Lenovo Diagnostics - Storage Scan fail

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PCHF Member
Mar 3, 2022
I recently ran lenovo Diagnostics on my internal storage device (Hdd) because it was disappearing 20 mins after startup or when i copy something from hdd to external hdd.
I have attached image of the results below.
Can someone help..
you have at best a bad sector on the hard drive and at worst a drive that is about to fail.

from a command prompt you could run chkdsk c: /r and have it hopefully find the bad sectors, try to recover the files located on them and then lock those sectors away.

after that I would then run sfc /scannow to check for system file corruption.

you should also check the SMART values for that drive. a couple of programs to help are Speccy or CrystalDiskInfo.

but once I lose faith in a storage medium, it's time for a new one!

I assume you have all your personal files safely backed up to an external device.
you have at best a bad sector on the hard drive and at worst a drive that is about to fail.

from a command prompt you could run chkdsk c: /r and have it hopefully find the bad sectors, try to recover the files located on them and then lock those sectors away.

after that I would then run sfc /scannow to check for system file corruption.

you should also check the SMART values for that drive. a couple of programs to help are Speccy or CrystalDiskInfo.

but once I lose faith in a storage medium, it's time for a new one!

I assume you have all your personal files safely backed up to an external device.
The laptop(lenovo legion Y520) has been 4 and half years old. No issue until last month.

Last month, some of the keyboard keys started to not work(E,G,H, Fn key) and for that i bought an external keyboard and was all good.

Now a month later, i am having this issue of hard drive disappearing when i try to copy from the hard drive. But when i dont copy anything, its working fine and able to open files from the drive.

Can it also be due to declining CMOS/Rtc battery as laptop has been 4 and half years old?
it's over four years old, and a laptop, so has been more mobile than most PC's in it's life.
basically all the usual bumps and knocks a laptop gets in just its normal usage have accumulated and the drive is on the way out.
and that's not factoring in those 'unusual' knocks, the ones where the laptop actually got banged into a door frame as you walked it around, or dropped while it was on (or off) and not in a bag (or even in a bag).

and being a laptop, don't get another mechanical drive to replace the current one, get a solid state drive.
they are much faster and don't suffer from bumps and knocks.
I copied all my data to external harddisk and then did disk defragmentation and optimized. Then did format of both D and F drives which were of internal hdd(windows is installed and boots from my internal ssd).

After formating both local drives of my internal harddrives i ran the lenovo Diagnostics scan again. This time all of the tests came out as passed(no bad sectors).
that's great news! - and possibly some important info you could have stated right off the bat! :cool:

so your C:\ is already a SSD and sounds like it's fine.
your drive with the bad cluster is a secondary internal HDD which is now reformatted and reporting no errors.

I would still be cautious of what is kept on the HDD, if it got bad clusters once, it can happen again, anytime. make sure you keep up to date with your backup process.
that's great news! - and possibly some important info you could have stated right off the bat! :cool:

so your C:\ is already a SSD and sounds like it's fine.
your drive with the bad cluster is a secondary internal HDD which is now reformatted and reporting no errors.

I would still be cautious of what is kept on the HDD, if it got bad clusters once, it can happen again, anytime. make sure you keep up to date with your backup process.
Have to use internal hdd less and depend much on external hdd now, as internal ssd is only 128gb.
it wouldn't take too much effort or expense to a) replace the SSD with a larger capacity unit and b) replace the HDD with something reliable.
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