Laptop Wont Display On New Screen

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Brown Sugar Builds

PCHF Member
Apr 19, 2024
Its probably that the screen is wrong but i recently replaced the screen on a razer blade advanced 2021 i got, model RZ09-0409, and the original owner told me it was 1440p, so i bought a new screen for it. When i took off the broken screen, i found out that it was 1080p and the new screen doesnt display. They use the same 40 pin connector but im wondering is this expected for it to not work or are they interchangable.
The screen would have to match the capabilities of the laptops graphics card.
Getting the same part number for the laptop's make/model would be the best option.
The screen would have to match the capabilities of the laptops graphics card.
Getting the same part number for the laptop's make/model would be the best option.
The laptop is plenty powerful enough. Its a 3080 and these laptops came with this 1440p screen and even a 4k screen
They use the same 40 pin connector but im wondering is this expected for it to not work or are they interchangable.

Did you replace the original cable with an out of the wrapper new one.

If you connect the notebook to an external screen do you get anything on that, this to rule out something else that could be causing the no display.
Did you replace the original cable with an out of the wrapper new one.

If you connect the notebook to an external screen do you get anything on that, this to rule out something else that could be causing the no display.
I haven't replaced the cable but i also havent gotte. It to display on otger monitors. Itll go through memory training whenever i clear the cmos but it wont display anything after.
The fact that you initially get a display suggests to me that something else is amiss there, all that memory training means is that the BIOS has checked the SPD of the RAM, incorrect RAM speed would cause the power on self test to fail and the screen to go blank.

Have you tried accessing the BIOS and then leaving the notebook sitting in the BIOS to see if the screen stays on.

What speed is the RAM.

Have you actually tried connecting the notebook up to another screen.

Can I ask that you do not quote every reply as we have to read the full post to make sure nothing gets missed,, thanks.
Yeah sorry. I wont do that. And actually im not getting any display at all. And i have connected it to two other monitors but nothing displayed on those either.
. Itll go through memory training whenever i clear the cmos but it wont display anything after.

Ah, was confused by the above as I thought that you were seeing something on the screen that was telling you that the RAM was being checked, that was why I asked for the RAM speed.

Million dollar question, did you purchase this computer with it supposedly only requiring a new screen or did the seller tell you that it had other issues, sorry to say but it is looking like a dud at the moment.

When you tried hooking up to the external screen were the dedicated PC monitors rather than TVs and did you press and hold down the Fn and F4 keys to toggle from the onboard panel to the external screen/s.
They said that it needed a screen and that there was an issue with the storage where it wouldnt boot from the ssd. And no i didnt press the buttons from the last paragraph.
Sounds suspect :unsure:

And no i didnt press the buttons from the last paragraph.

Well it might be an idea to try ;)

When you tried hooking up to the external screen were the dedicated PC monitors rather than TVs

Can you also answer the above, apart from toggling from the notebook panel using Fn + F4 if using a TV the Source needs to be changed to PC on some TV handsets and on others whatever HDMI or DP number the PC is connected to.
Yeah i can try that. And yeah at first i was like, what are the odds it had a bad screen and a bad motherboard. Im going to go over the board qith a thermal imager to see if theres any shorts.
It does appear more serious than you have been told, even with a bad screen and a bad SSD you would still see an MSI logo on the external screen.
Being that the OP revisited the forum but chose not to acknowledge my reply this thread will be closed.
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