Laptop won't connect with ethernet

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PCHF Member
Jul 9, 2022
So, I have this vaio VPCEG15FL laptop and the wireless connection don't work so I have to use the ethernet connection the problem is that you can connect the laptop with the ethernet cable, the laptop will recognize the connection and you can see the name, the adator list shows that the ethernet port is in use and even you can see other devices connected to the same network but for some reason the laptop don't have internet access and the network clearly have access to internet because in other devices it works perfectly

I have tried many things like, uninstalling and installing the drivers, use my phone as a adapter to use the wify connection, combinations of cmd commands and nothing works, I was about to install windows again but I wanted to see if there is something that I don't try yet so that's why I am here

I hope you can help me with this
a Speccy report should show us everything we need.

get Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into a post.
I already got speccy in the laptop but I can't use the publish option due that the laptop doesn't had connection but atleast I got a txt document of the network summary it's obviusly edited to censor things like the ip but here is the document

If you want the entire report of speccy tell me and I give it to ya


there is nothing in the Speccy report that is of any use to a hacker or anyone with ill-intent.
all the IP's are 'inward facing', that is, they are LAN addresses, not WAN address.
they are on your side of the firewall.
and if any are WAN's, then they are already on the web, as they have to be public in order to be seen by the web.

what's the reason the wireless connection doesn't work as well?
have you logged onto the modem and checked out the ethernet and wireless network settings?
and checked MAC filtering isn't enabled?
there is nothing in the Speccy report that is of any use to a hacker or anyone with ill-intent.
all the IP's are 'inward facing', that is, they are LAN addresses, not WAN address.
they are on your side of the firewall.
and if any are WAN's, then they are already on the web, as they have to be public in order to be seen by the web.

what's the reason the wireless connection doesn't work as well?
have you logged onto the modem and checked out the ethernet and wireless network settings?
and checked MAC filtering isn't enabled?
This is an old laptop that someone used to create a wifi spot when his router broke (that thing where you connect your pc and with some cmd commands your pc is an artificial router), the problem with that was just the long use of that method for months ended with the wireless card of the pc broken so the laptop doesn't work with bluetooth, wifi or any thing that needs a wireless connection but you can still use the ethernet to connect to internet or that was until now, it can sound strange but that's what happens, or atleast what was told to me

Yes, I have checked the router and see the all the settings, it's all normal, and even I can connect other pc with ethernet and it will work, obviusly also checked the MAC filtering and isn't enabled
Also, something I forgot to mention was that when the troubleshooter of windows executes it always show the message of "your computer is correctly configured but the device is not responding" I searched solutions for that error and try but no one works idk if this helps or not but better mention it
go into Control Panel, Network & Sharing Centre, Change adapter setting, double click the ethernet adapter, Properties.

untick IPv6 box and double click IPv4.
are both IP and DNS sections set to auto?

also check in Control Panel, Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings, untick all boxes.
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