Laptop still slow after reset + fan noise

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PCHF Member
PCHF Donator
Nov 23, 2021
Hi, I have an issue with my pc slowing down quite quickly after I switch it on on restart. I suppose I had a virus and decided to reset (keep files) my pc, but nothing really changed. My web browser (Firefox) often crashes, especially if I open several youtube videos or my video editor. My computer's fan also makes a lot of noise, especially when I switch on my pc and it started already when I supposedly had a virus. Before, when resetting my pc, the problem was always solved. I tried following advice on similar posts by disabling some background apps like camera, microphone, etc., also Cortana to boost up my pc, did an sfc scan, a scan with Advanced System Care and Malwarebytes, but none of it really worked.
I saw a similar message on your forum and so already ran Speccy, so here's the link
Thank you in advance for your help.
if you even remotely think you had a virus don't reset keeping files, instead, start from scratch with a clean slate.
first backup your personal data and don't restore these until you are confident the PC is running OK.
next, don't use Advanced System Care - all things made by IObit fall into the 'dodgy as all hell' in my experience.
You mean reset everything after backup? I was intending to use it as the last option, if nothing else works and was hoping someone could first look at my pc's data or at least suggest another solution. I'm just surprised that every time I reset my laptop it solved the problem, but not this time. You think the fan also is loud because of it?
it's a laptop, and a few years old, so the fan noise could be related to dust build up around the fan blades or heat sink vanes. or it could be a failing fan bearing.
you'll have to flip the unit over and take off the back plate in order to have easy access to the innards so you can blast out any dust buildup.

and yes, backup your files first.
then get the latest Win10 build using the Windows Media Creation Tool to make a bootable USB stick, then use that stick to install afresh.
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any update?
I won't be able to proceed with your suggestions in the days to come, because I have a lot of files to sort out but will do it as soon as I can and will get back to you if this doesn't solve the problem. Anyway, thank you for taking time to help me.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your help, I couldn't proceed to the reset of my pc this week, so I think maybe I'll create a new thread when I do it and if the problem isn't solved. Therefore you can maybe take it off.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your help, I couldn't proceed to the reset of my pc this week, so I think maybe I'll create a new thread when I do it and if the problem isn't solved. Therefore you can maybe take it off.
P.S. Anyway I need a new better pc, so I'll create another thread.
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