Laptop starts when it wants to ...

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PCHF Member
Jan 12, 2023
Windows 11, 10th gen. i5, rtx 3070, Acer Predator

So ... the battery stopped working a long time ago though it shows there is like 70% charge in there or something. The laptop is about 16 months old.
It would sometimes not start unless I left it unplugged for about a day and did the "hold the power button down for 30 seconds" trick AFTER about a day had passed.
So I removed the battery and all was gold. I never carry it anywhere anyway.

Then the same thing started happening again. I leave the thing on 24x7 b/c I know if I shut it down or unplug it I'm hosed and it won't turn on sometimes 2 days.
I try the hold down the power trick but no dice. It just has to sit.

things I've tried:
1-updating bios
2-applying any outstanding windows 11 updates
3-2nd PSU
4-hours of google searches, usually leads to the "hold-down-the-power" path.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
the battery is now permanently kept out?
this only started happening with Win11?
the laptop came with Win10?
any chance it is still under warranty?
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