Solved Laptop specs for making youtube videos

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PCHF Member
PCHF Donator
Nov 23, 2021
I know this is a help forum, but I don't really have a problem and will understand if you don't treat these kind of questions. It's more some suggestions that I need in order to buy a laptop good enough for making videos. My current pc is a little too slow and when exporting a video it takes 3x longer than the video itself. Therefore I'd like to know what would be the optimal specs for an entry level pc? I was suggested one, below is the info, I'd like to know if it may be sufficient, although for this one the monitor is smaller than what I need. Which one of the specs could be improved from the ones indicated below? Would a refurbished laptop be ok vs. a new one?

Lenovo T470
Processor I7-7500U
16 GB memory
512 GB SSD

Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your response, I will take notice of your suggestions, nevertheless, I have to stay mobile, so a laptop is essential for me.
You could look into a camera to record with and then transfer to the desktop of posting.

Without knowing the specifics of the video needs can nor really suggest much.
Well, the videos I want to make are 10 hour relaxation videos, where I take a short video and then loop it to create this long video. Here's an example
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. I could make them on my current laptop, but the two problems I have is that I cannot watch correctly the video in my video editor because it is too slow and also it takes 3x the length of the video to export it to mp4 format. I was suggested that it may actually be normal. Nevertheless, I would like to diminish the export time as much as possible, play video correctly while editing and as to video specs, I'd like to have a resolution of at least 1080p, but I think that is already an option in my video editor, although I'm not sure about a higher resolution. Actually, I'm just starting to explore the video making and if you have suggestions for something I didn't mention here concerning this kind of videos, please let me know. Anyway, I really appreciate your help :giggle:(y).
Well, the videos I want to make are 10 hour relaxation videos, where I take a short video and then loop it to create this long video
We are missing something here. if you are just creating a loop why do you need to be mobile?
A desktop would be better But the mobile bit I do not understand.
If it must be a laptop with a dedicated video card
leaving the laptop vs desktop aside for a moment, to me the equation is simple.
aim at the best specs your budget can afford - than get the next higher model.

or to expand that statement: a high end CPU so at least i7, lots of RAM so at least 16GB, a SSD for fast I/O, and a dedicated graphics card for those times when number crunching gets done by the GPU rather than the CPU.
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Yes, those are the specs I was suggested and I think I found a suitable pc. Thank you very much for your help :giggle:!
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