Laptop screen freezes

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PCHF Member
Mar 28, 2022
Recently i wanted to update my graphics card. I was updating it and suddenly my pc froze. I restarted it but now evry time i start up my pc it freezes after like 15-20 minutes and it doesn't unfreeze. It also get some weird green pixels. Also after i force shutdown and start my pc back up again it powers up for a second and shutdown again and need to wait for like a half hour to start my pc back up again.
let's get your PC specs...

download Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
paste that link into a post.
One area Speccy doesn’t show is the Power Supply Unit, so also include the make/model of the PSU.

have you put the old card back in to confirm the system goes back to normal?
let's get your PC specs...

download Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
paste that link into a post.
One area Speccy doesn’t show is the Power Supply Unit, so also include the make/model of the PSU.

have you put the old card back in to confirm the system goes back to normal?
i didn't put a new grapghcs card in i just tried to update the driver and while u^dating my pc suddenly crashed and sinds the i got the problem.
your internal drive is down to 4% free space.
this would certainly be a big part of your issues.

be ruthless and delete stuff.
if you can't, at least move it to the external drive.

get CCleaner, version 5.40 from FileHippo, to clean up a lot of system crap.
Glary Disk Cleaner is also good.
your internal drive is down to 4% free space.
this would certainly be a big part of your issues.

be ruthless and delete stuff.
if you can't, at least move it to the external drive.

get CCleaner, version 5.40 from FileHippo, to clean up a lot of system crap.
Glary Disk Cleaner is also good.
Thanks! It seems to work didn't now it was that simple.
Oh no it's back! I didn't occur for like 5 hours but i was plauing something i happened again.
what's the free space at now?
how did you clean it up last time, manually deleting and moving stuff, or via those programs CCleaner and Glary Disk Cleaner?
ideally, you want to be aiming at getting that free space higher than 20%.

what's the game?
does it only freeze during that game?
Now i have like 38 gb free space and i did i by removing some games. I also used CCleaner but i didn't do so much. Most of the time it crashes while im playing but it also crashes when I'm just watching something or looking something up or when the pc is just on.
some other stuff to try.
run these from an elevated command prompt;
  • chkdsk /f
  • sfc /scannow
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
also create another user account and log in under that account profile and see if the freezing still occurs.
you could also reboot into Safe Mode and see how that goes.
@axel we could check for malware if you wish. During the process I’ll remove any remnants of old programs that may be loading with windows, that you have uninstalled previously. Sometimes when things are removed, they hang around and load with windows, which could cause overall an slowdown on the machine.

The tools I use allow easy removal of such items.
@axel we could check for malware if you wish. During the process I’ll remove any remnants of old programs that may be loading with windows, that you have uninstalled previously. Sometimes when things are removed, they hang around and load with windows, which could cause overall an slowdown on the machine.

The tools I use allow easy removal of such items.
I'll see, if the post above you doesn't work I'll try the delete thing then
I might have found the problem. I also have this other problem with my pc that when it is turned off and i want to turn it back on that the my pc turns on and after a second off again. I looked it up and it might be that my thermal paste is dry. My laptop is 15 years old or something so its a big chance that's the problem.
I’d suggest using a laptop cooling pad as well. At least while you were gaming elevate the laptop so the fans have a clear path of cool air maybe with two books on the edge. If you wish we can also clean up old crap that may be running.
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