Solved Laptop overclocking

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PCHF Member
Apr 24, 2017
Ok i know on a laptop you can only overclock the GPU and not the CPU, however Ive heard ppl say overclocking a laptop is pointless because it doesnt handle heat as well as a PC and its not worth doing on a laptop because of that for a performance boos thats only gonna be 10% or less. Yet Ive heard others say in the past that was true about laptops. now a days while a PC s still gonna handle heat better than a laptop, modern high end laptops have evolved to handle heat much better than the used to, thus overclocking one isnt "certain doom" like most ppl try to say.

So my question is:

1) Which of those two things is correct?

2) how much (percentage) is the incraese in performance in a laptop whos GPU and OS are overclocked but not CPU

3) Does overclocking shorten the lifespan of a laptop, and if it does is it like the difference between your laptop going from 10 year to 5 years or is it more like your laptop going from 10 years to 9 or 8 years?

Also these questions are based on if a professional is doing all the overclocking and stress testing, QA etc etc work. So not just some average joe tinkering with things that may or may not know what theyre doing.
that's a tough one...

none of your concerns have any concrete answers in my opinion. :)
too many variables for any sort of definitive answer and way too subjective an area anyway.
the daily usage, which in itself is a moving target, will effect any outcomes.
hell, even the duration of run times and idle times will make answering your concerns based on one persons opinion which will be negated by another's.
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