Laptop keeps freezing & really slow

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PCHF Member
Feb 28, 2017

My daughter's Acer Aspire One has issues. It keeps freezing & can't do anything, except use the physical off switch to reboot. Thought maybe something to do with having Avast(there was another thread that got closed, which had logs but got closed) which I uninstalled, but understand there's still some 'dregs' left - according to Speccy. Can anyone help please??

Speccy log here;
Yeah, still happening. I thought to do another clean on it(just thru the Windows cleaner) before I did a clean boot, but it hung on that too. So... clean boot. What next?
OK, so the only services that were happening, after hiding all microsoft stuff, were Google Chrome & Google updater, and 2 Origin things - this Origin is some kind of base program needed to run a game my daughter has, called The Sims 4. So I've re-selected the Google apps & left the Origin ones disabled. Will tell you if the prob happens in following days... unless you have any other info, suggestions, know Origin to cause this prob...?
Hi Evan, no I haven't done that - when it freezes, can't do anything tho, except turn it off via the physical button. Can move the mouse, but nothing works. It's Windows 10.
Thanks. Should I give it a few days to see if the prob happens after switching off that Origin prog? Or just do the update? Is this a big thing to download/install? It's been my experience that updating Windows has been in the past & I am on satellite internet - so slow & small amnt of data. I can hopefully set it up to do it between 1-7am tho, to use off peak data...
Well it's going slow again, without that Origin program. Is it worth disabling the Google ones in the clean boot? My daughter also said it seems to go flat pretty quickly - maybe needs new battery - and whenever she doesn't plug it in in time & it shuts down, when she restarts it, it's sticky. As now. I've just asked Microsoft if they can give me the program link, so I can download it later. Dunno how long they'll take to reply... Just with this Corona bizo, don't want to run out of data when my kids need it for school too...
OK, so I've updated the machine, disabled the Google progs, but it is still happening. It was good since the Windows update, completed yesterday morn(tho don't know she did much on it yesterday) She had noticed it got slow & sticky after a flat battery, so I told her to leave it unplugged & let it run out.

She commented this morn that it still hadn't run out over night - usually goes flat relatively quickly even while not used. When it finally went flat today & she plugged it in & turned it back on, it was again slow & glitchy. She then turned it off & on again & it now seems OK, but she hasn't done anything on it.

Oh & it also gets very hot occasionally(it is now) for no apparent reason, without stuff open(like now). So... something to do with the battery? Something about overheating...? What's the next step?
Is the battery removable? If so I would use the laptop without the battery plugged into the unit and see how it performs. Also I would open up the laptop and blow out any dust inside the unit as well.

Then boot into Windows, click Start< type Command Prompt, right click on Command Prompt in the search results and click on Run as administrator. After the Command Prompt window opens type chkdsk C: /r and hit enter. Then type Y to confirm the disk check and restart the computer to allow check disk to run.

Also set the power plan to high performance in the Control Panel as well.
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