Laptop freezes shortly after I start Videogames

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PCHF Member
Aug 10, 2020
Hey there! My Laptop recently started doing some weird stuff... When I start playing something it takes just a few Minutes until the picture freezes. I noticed it with Borderlands 3 the most, since with other games it sometimes recoveres. The sound doesn't glitch or anything so thats normal but I can't operate the laptop anymore, so I can't close the game, can't turn off the laptop, can't force anything. Weird thing is that all the games I play now I've played before and it was totally fine before (For instance GTA5 or Borderlands 3). I played Borderlands 3 with medium settings and now it doesn't work with lowest settings and 50% resolution scale... BUT if I run a benchmark in-game it does just fine with 60fps.

I'am playing on an acer aspire vx15 with:
Intel Core i5-7300HQ
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 (4GB VRAM)
8GB Kingston RAM

If you need any other information I'll give it asap! Thanks in advance!
Hello HappyTeaRex,

That is typical behaviour of something overheating, do you have a cooler pad beneath the notebook.

We can take a look to see if Speccy flags anything up.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
I'll do that in just a minute! Does it save the result even if I force the laptop to shut down?
I had a cooler pad but since I'am travelling atmI don't have it with me... I used CAM to monitor my fps, temperature and load and the temp of my gpu peaked at 79 and he cpu at 74.
Were the temps that you mention above when you were gaming.

Only a couple of things in Speccy,

The Windows Power Plan needs to be set to High Performance or the GTX 1050 will not get enough power to function properly.

You have multiple AVs installed with two of them being the same AV software, is Total AV the free or the paid for version.

Having more than one AV or Firewall installed on your computer is bad, it will slow down the computer, cause internet connection problems and leave you with no AV protection at all if they cancel each other out as they fight for resources.

Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 come with an improved Windows Defender, it offers the same real-time anti-virus/anti-malware protection as Microsoft Security Essentials. Windows Defender also shares the same malware signature definitions as Microsoft Security Essentials, and Forefront Endpoint Protection. Technically, Microsoft Security Essentials has not been renamed Windows Defender, or combined with it in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

If any AV product that you have is a paid for version you should always make sure that you have a copy of the product key kept somewhere safe just in case you ever wish to reinstall it.

If you stick with only Windows Defender, once any other AV has been correctly uninstalled, check to see if Windows Defender has auto enabled and allow it to update and carry out a full scan of your computer.
Ok thank you! I'll work through you're comment in the next days! I didn't realise that AV is active multiple times so that's a good pointer ^^
So the Temps were from the benchmark I did in BL3.

I already uninstalled TotalAV... The only file left is a passwordvault.

I changed the power plan but this couldn't be the problem since I played bl3 before with the same settings.
Those temps are not too bad then.

Can we have a new Speccy url.

The setting may not be anything to do with the issue but when a notebook has a discrete video card it needs the High Performance Power Plan setting, it is your computer and you do as you see fit with it, we offer guidance not give orders.
Will update it in the next days. I don't have to much time for my laptop rn... Covid is starting to hit NZ again...
To avoid us having to ask for an update every couple of days we will close this thread until the OP has the time available to work towards resolving the issue, PM a member of staff when you are ready and the thread can be reopened.
so i changed the power plan and ran gta 5 (out of curiosity) and it still runs like ****... here is a new Speccy URL:

while i played i also monitored temps and loads again. My cpu maxed at 80°C with a max load of about 70% and the Gpu had 69°C with a max load of 100% (avg was around 80%) althought the lowest fps recorded are 30 it still lagged like crazy. I realy dont know what the problem could be...
also I don't know why it shows that I still have TotalAV. I can't find one single file that has anything to do with this app
Makes no sense to me either as the symptoms are definitely associated with overheating but the temps that you mention say otherwise.

Next time you do some gaming can you make sure that your Power Plan is set to High Performance and if/when the game starts to lag check how warm or hot the notebooks AC adaptor feels to the touch.

Sorry but what does your Windows Power Plan mean;

Power Profile
Active power scheme: pluged ?

Will look at the Total AV issue for you after we have checked your next update.
It's a custom power plan. It's basically high performance when plugged and saving mode when unplugged

I'll check the adaptor next time!

One more thing: my laptop actually crashed once and displayed "gpu disconnected" on a blue screen. I don't know if that could be the problem... It still operates tho!? If it really was disconnected it wouldn't show in cam or speccy would it? Can it be "half" disconnected or something? It sounds stupid...
That can happen with a discrete video device that is not getting enough power so the notebook reverts back to using the integrated video from the CPU.
Mhh ok. I'll set the power plan to high performance and check the temps for you. My next update will probably be on the 1st.
Thanks for the help so far
You are welcome, we will leave your thread marked as pending until the 1st and will not ask you for an update meanwhile.
ok so i played a bit with the power plan and gta 5 runs fine now (the custom power plan worked. i don't know why it didn't work before....) still borderlands 3 is freezing after 5mins. Temps of the cpu/gpu are around 80°C. The adaptor is warm but not hot. I feel like there is another problem with bl3 but I don't know if it could be in the files.
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