Laptop fans not recognized or turning on, please help

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PCHF Member
May 19, 2023
So I just got a Laptop from eBay, MSI-GS66 stealth with Intel i7-10750h, and a Nvidia rtx 2070 max q.

I got it used on eBay and I noticed the factory steal sticker was broken , and I asked him why and he said he opened it up experimenting with the SSD.

When I got the laptop, I noticed it running very hot, and I'm not even playing games or anything. I tried downloading software like Speedfan, Nvidia GeForce experience, MSI afterburner.

So afterburner has the fan area greyed out. And I tried to figure out why, I searched only, and even the "fan tab" in the settings is not there.

I got the speedfan program and it won't even show the fans running, it doesn't show any fan or any fan speeds.

No matter what I do I cannot find anything about the fans, or if they are there, or anything on fans in any program, it just isn't an option.

I tried looking at YouTube some people said to check my power plan settings, to try some things with the fan control apps, and it just doesn't seem to work for me. I was about to complete reset the PC and reinstall windows which is not an issue for me, it is a brand new. But I just don't know if it will solve my problem, it could be a BIOS issue I read and I'm not too sure. I don't have a USB drive to update the bios.

The only thing I can think of is maybe if he opened up he unconnected the fans somehow , but I don't really have a screwdriver that small.

I don't know much about these things, and it's brand new I would like to be able to use it and I'm afraid of damaging my new laptop, and I am not sure wether I am ignorant and missing something easy, or if I need to reinstall bios, or maybe open it up and connect something and I'm not sure how to do that, I am willing to try anything I just want the fans to work so I can enjoy my new laptop. And I am afraid I will mess it up if I play around too much.

Please help me, if you need any information I'll respond as fast as I see it. Thank you so much.
g'day and welcome to the forums. :)

until you can get the fans going, I'd have it sitting on an elevated platform, preferably one with a fan built in to it and have it actively cooling the laptop down.

being a used one off eBay, and not knowing what has been installed, I'd be doing the complete wipe and reload of Windows for no other reason than making sure I was starting from a clean slate. the added advantage is it just may fix your fan issue if it is software related.

cross that off the potential list and then see if you need to open up the case to check for cables.

getting into BIOS should be as simple as hitting the necessary key (usually F2 or Del) as the laptop starts up. in there you may find fan settings and power profiles that control fan speeds and thermal event triggers that tell the fans what to do, but not all BIOS menu have those options.
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