Laptop all of a sudden slowed way down and have no idea why.

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PCHF Member
Sep 7, 2019
I have an HP Envy that I got at the beginning of 2017. Around a year ago, it all of a sudden slowed way down. It takes minutes or even freezes, like today, when I try to open the wifi networks or the notification tab in the taskbar and opening chrome works after it works at it for five minutes. After trying to figure out why, I got frustrated and decided to put it away as I had a desktop I could use. I pulled it out again today and thought to try to get it running as my desktop is currently out of commission. So essentially, it's slow as all hell and I have no idea as to why.
some possibilities are failing/faulty hardware, malware or corurputed system files.
personally, since it sounds like you haven't used it in a while and there is no important data on it, I'd wipe it and load a fresh version of Windows on it.
that way, you'll kill all three birds with one stone.
any malware will be wiped, corrupted files will be reloaded and if there is a failing hard drive, for example, that'll show up in errors during the reload.
So I wiped my PC but did the one that kept my files and it's still slow. If I do the other option, which removes all files as if you were trashing or selling the laptop, would I need to purchase another version of Windows 10 or is there a way to reinstall without buying another? That's the main cause for concern at this point.
yes, you are right, the next option will remove all data from the drive - personal files and software, including Win10.
but - it will reload a fresh copy of Win10 as of the build from the ISO you are using.
and since the current version is already activated with MS, it will auto re-activate for you.

so what is actually slow - opening a Word doc for example, or surfing web pages?
Literally everything is slow. I can't open up anything without it taking minutes to do so, even stuff on the taskbar like the available networks or notifications.

I'll get that other reset started and let you know how that works.
So the first attempt failed. At around 45% it said it couldn't remove all my personal files and it told me to try again, so that's what I did. It's currently running and I'll report back in the morning.
certainly can't rule out a faulty hard drive at this stage.
if you have your image medium inserted (DVD or USB) and it'll boot from that to reload WIn10, tell it to delete all partitions when that window comes up. you'll have to manually select each one and delete it.
So, on the chance that my laptop literally can't perform that action, what would the next thing to be? I will try to do what you said, though.
come on, have some faith :) it'll be fine.
but if it does fail, my money is on the hard drive.
so then that becomes an oppurtunity to upgrade to a super fast SSD instead of the current mechanical one.
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