Regarding my skill level, I only know enough to be dangerous. About two months ago my HDD crashed. Couple days ago Windows 10 crashed. I replaced the HDD and I reinstalled Windows. I built this PC about 5.5 years ago. Up until now, this has been a pretty good runner. Be Quiet case, power supply and a couple extra fans, 7700k CPU, 16GB DDR4 ram, Radeon RX580 GPU. Maybe a little overkill but I am also a hot rodder. Maybe you know the pledge. If enough is good and more is better, then too much is just right. I would like to upgrade what I have to run Windows 11. Gen 7 is one gen too old for Windows 11. I know there is a workaround, but I really don't want to do that. I have an idea about what to buy but I may lean on you for assurance and expertise. Hope you don't mind. I would hope to contribute some of my ignorance to help you avoid the same issues. Happy New Year.