Issue with monitor or Displayport cable; both, more?

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PCHF Member
Nov 26, 2022
Previously to purchasing this displayport cable about a year ago (give or take), I had zero issues with my HDMI connection. When I first got this displayport cable, it caused no end of issues, until it finally 'just' worked (I literally don't know why, or how), and I just left it like that. Recently, when playing some newer games (the Darktide pre-order beta, for example), my monitor, or my displayport cable would disconnect, and crash me out whichever game I was playing, and sometimes crash my entire PC. This hasn't been restricted to just in-game, it has just happened most often while in a game. At one point, tonight, I unplugged the displayport, and then I couldn't get it to work at all no matter how many times I tried restarting the PC, unplugging and replugging the cable in, switching where it was plugged in on my graphics card. I thought - initially - that maybe my monitor was just broken. So I went and grabbed the TV out of my living room, and plugged that in via HDMI. It worked!

After getting my TV working, I plugged in my monitor again via the displayport cable.. needless to say that didn't work, but not only that, it completely killed my TV - it wouldn't connect anymore via HDMI, even with my monitor disconnected. It wouldn't work no matter how many times I tried. In a last ditch effort, I plugged the hdmi cable into my monitor and it worked (and is what I am using now)! I have NO IDEA what the issue is here. I have already ordered a new monitor tonight, due to thinking maybe my monitor had died. I don't know if it's the graphics card connection, the monitor's, or if the cable is just simply faulty. Keep in mind, the recent disconnections have occurred without any movement of the cable itself as well. I don't know if I should just cancel my order of the new monitor, or wait for it to arrive and test it out with this current cable, if I should just buy another displayport cable, etc..

I just don't know what the problem is, and I am afraid to even attempt to plug in the displayport cable again, because I am not sure if I will even be able to get the display back again, if I attempted it. If it doesn't work, I can't even troubleshoot it to begin with!
Having been plugged in with my HDMI for the past day now, I have had none of these issues. I am personally leaning on this being a faulty DisplayPort cable. I might just buy another one and see if I can test that.

One thing could be a bad HDMI cable..

Give us your complete pc spec's, including your complete psu spec's.

One thing could be a bad HDMI cable..

Give us your complete pc spec's, including your complete psu spec's.
Device name DESKTOP-OU3PC1D
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Six-Core Processor 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
Corsair RMX Series, RM850x, 850 Watt, 80+ Gold Certified, fully Modular Power Supply

Be gentle, this is an old build for now. Hope this helps.

How could the HDMI be bad? I didn't even have it plugged in when I had my DisplayPort plugged in (only one monitor currently), until I tested both with my TV. Although, I wouldn't be surprised, as this current cable is fairly old.
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