irql not less or equal and netio.sys

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PCHF Member
May 2, 2018
Been having random BSODs that may or may not be related to my other thread where I cannot update my laptop. When the BSOD happens it says "irql not less or equal" and "what failed: netio.sys".

I've noticed, oddly enough, this bsod mainly happens when I'm in Firefox, on Facebook and click a picture, link, etc and have it open in a new tab.
@veeg Once it was done, it saved as a zip file. When trying to attach that zip file here it said it was too powerful, so I uploaded offsite.

check for file corruption and hard drive errors.
start an elevated command prompt and do sfc /scannow and chkdsk c: /r

and you are on Win10 1909, I'd be upgrading to 20H2 - not only to get the latest and greatest and hopefully that fixing it but the update is big enough that most of the major OS files may be rewritten, also potentially fixing your issue.
check for file corruption and hard drive errors.
start an elevated command prompt and do sfc /scannow and chkdsk c: /r

and you are on Win10 1909, I'd be upgrading to 20H2 - not only to get the latest and greatest and hopefully that fixing it but the update is big enough that most of the major OS files may be rewritten, also potentially fixing your issue.

That's the problem I've mentioned in my other thread, I can't update my computer.

sfc scannow didn't detect any problems. I can't run chkdsk, it says volume is being used by another process. I will try and run that later when all other windows are closed.
That's the problem I've mentioned in my other thread, I can't update my computer.

sfc scannow didn't detect any problems. I can't run chkdsk, it says volume is being used by another process. I will try and run that later when all other windows are closed.

I'm still unable to use sfc scannow, keeps saying it is being used by another process.
I think both your threads have the same root cause - whatever that is!
until someone else chimes in with more advice, I'd still be recommending a clean install.
yes - life sucks - but there you have it! :)
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