Infected help!!!

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
To be completely honest I installed a cracked program on my Windows 10 laptop and got a bunch of viruses. And now my PayPal account, Amazon account, Skrill account and Facebook account has been accessed by someone other than me, also someone tried getting two credit cards in my name. I did a bunch of virus scans and supposedly it removed everything. So I changed all my passwords and put freezes on my credit reports. But earlier today I got locked out of Amazon it was saying my password was wrong, I contacted Amazon they sent multiple emails but I never received them so I think someone accessed my email and is having Amazon emails forwarded to their email. I was able to change the email associated with Amazon and get it working again but this makes me believe there is a keylogger or something on my laptop that's sending my password changes to someone. Any advice? I plan on reinstalling Windows tonight, will that get rid of any viruses or Trojans
Formatting the drive and reinstalling Windows will definitely remove any malware currently on that drive. As you didnt say how many drives you have in your computer we will assume one only drive???

When you reinstall Windows get in the habit of making system images on external media whilst your system is clean, as installing cracked software will inevitably lead to the same outcome again. Remember data you have not backed up is data you don't care about.......
Formatting the drive and reinstalling Windows will definitely remove any malware currently on that drive. As you didnt say how many drives you have in your computer we will assume one only drive???

When you reinstall Windows get in the habit of making system images on external media whilst your system is clean, as installing cracked software will inevitably lead to the same outcome again. Remember data you have not backed up is data you don't care about.......
I have two drives, a SSD with my os and installed programs, and a hybrid HDD for storage. This is the first time I installed cracked software in probably 5 years, I always told my roommate to never do it because he kept getting malware, and then the one time I do it this happens, I thought I was smarter than that, I guess not.
I have two drives, a SSD with my os and installed programs, and a hybrid HDD for storage. This is the first time I installed cracked software in probably 5 years, I always told my roommate to never do it because he kept getting malware, and then the one time I do it this happens, I thought I was smarter than that, I guess not.
Here's a screenshot of the the two things that were particularly hard to remove, it took 3 different antivirus programs to remove them. IMG_20181102_191440-800x400.jpg
Which is probably infected as well.

Which is why I always suggest external storage that can be disconnected from the system.
I reformatted both drives and reinstalled Windows, I was going to dban them but honestly I didn't want to have to wait two days to reinstall Windows.
I reformatted both drives and reinstalled Windows, I was going to dban them but honestly I didn't want to have to wait two days to reinstall Windows.
Reformat should be good enough, nuking drives is mostly done prior to giving/throwing a drive away so the data is virtually unrecoverable.
Reinstalling Windows however will have removed any malware.

BTW: According to Dban website it is unable to detect or erase SSD's.

Do you consider this solved?
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