Solved Im not sure what to go for in my upgrade

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PCHF Member
May 10, 2021
So I've been told that my power supply is in need of an upgrade because of the little room space my current PSU provides for my CPU and GPU especially since i stream and edit videos. I have been experiencing some crashes and fps drops and maybe its due to not enough power being given to those parts so I was looking to get a Ryzen 5 3600 and a new power supply to help cope with this issue. I was also looking to get a new motherboard as well and I'll link the ones I have been considering buying and also my current Spec. If you see anything that may cause my PC to do random shut offs or anything like that please let me know. And if you see any parts I should switch and should add pleas suggest them as well thanks

Parts Considering to buy -
Mobo- MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK Gaming Motherboard (AMD AM4, DDR4, PCIe 4.0, SATA 6Gb/s, M
CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
PSU - EVGA 100-GD-0600-V1, 600 GD, 80+ GOLD 600W,

Current PC Specs.
CPU- Ryzen 5 2600
GPU- GTX 1660 super
Mobo- Asrock B450 Pro4
RAM- DDR4 3200 2x8gb sticks
SSD- EVO 90 250gb
HDD- 1TB Seagate
PowerSupply - ARES Game 500W+ Bronze

Edit by phillpower2: No troubleshooting to be offered in this upgrade related thread.
Mobo- MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK Gaming Motherboard (AMD AM4, DDR4, PCIe 4.0, SATA 6Gb/s, M
CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
PSU - EVGA 100-GD-0600-V1, 600 GD, 80+ GOLD 600W,

The parts are ok and will work with your present RAM, GPU and storage devices etc but before ordering the PSU ask yourself this question first, how likely am I to want to upgrade the GPU in the future once the prices have come back down, there is no point in you purchasing a PSU only to have to upgrade it again in the near future because a new GPU requires it.
The parts are ok and will work with your present RAM, GPU and storage devices etc but before ordering the PSU ask yourself this question first, how likely am I to want to upgrade the GPU in the future once the prices have come back down, there is no point in you purchasing a PSU only to have to upgrade it again in the near future because a new GPU requires it.
The reason being of upgrading a Power Supply is because I was told there is high potential that my PC could have random crashes because of little headroom my power supply gives for my GPU and CPU especially if im running triple A Games and editing/recording.
Was fully aware of that and it was the very reason why I mentioned that a 600W Gold efficiency PSU would be enough for now but it may not be if you decide to upgrade your present GPU to something that may require more, an RTX 3070 requires a minimum of 700W.
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