I am unable left/right click on my laptop mouse pad

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PCHF Member
Jun 15, 2021
I use a driver booster and my laptop has windows 8.1 OS. But last time I updated the driver booster, but after that left / right-click does not work, although the mouse roller works perfectly. I also checked it in the Cps test. but the same result comes in it, then what is the solution of this issue. Please let me know if anyone knows.
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g'day jeffer and welcome to the forums.

first up, what can I say about drive booster type of programs - they are crap, they are crap, they are crap.
I think that covers it. :)
most are simply peddled by snake-oil salesmen, most do sweet F all, and some even make things worse.

only two people know your machine well, the company making the OS and the company making the hardware drivers. so with that in mind, ONLY get your software/drivers from Microsoft or from the hardware manufacturer, which could either be the laptop maker of the mouse pad supplier in your case.

delete that driver booster and go to the laptop makers website and download the correct, approved driver for your mouse pad. in the mentime plug in a USB mouse if you need the full functionality of a mouse to get you through until the mouse pad is sorted.
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