HP Pavilion 15-P107TX

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PCHF Member
Aug 15, 2019
I have a few concerns with this model.
I really need to take it apart so that I can clean the fan (as the laptop often makes a noisy buzzy grinding noise when I wake/boot it up after I haven't used it in hours (most likely when it is cold in winter and the trigger is very sensitive to movement of the laptop, such as lifting it)). I tried to search on google for help on opening it, and on these forums for this specific model, but I couldn't find anything for it. I tried opening it up myself, but I was extremely anxious of snapping something as I can't afford any fixes or replacements.. I tried looking at another couple of models, but unlike many other laptops, this one has it's keys poking through the base.

This model is also very hard to find when I am trying to search for compatible hardware. It would have a few boxes asking for Computer type, brand, series and model. I see a heap of models of this series, but I can never locate this specific one in the list.
the laptop often makes a noisy buzzy grinding noise

It could be the hard drive, what are the temperatures like when the notebook is in use.

The cooling fan is in the top left hand corner beneath the keypad, next time that you hear the noise have a closer listen in this area, likewise have a closer listen near the bottom right hand corner of the notebook as it looks like that is where the HDD is located.

HP Pavilion 17 Notebook PC HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC - Maintenance and Service Guide
To add to the advice that has already been given...

See if this helps with some basic cleaning.

Get some cans of compressed air and blow the system clean. Make sure the system is powered off and unplugged. Remove the battery if a laptop if the battery can be removed.

Read the instruction on the can. Spray in short burst and when the can start to feel cool to the touch switch to a different can. After they warm up to room temp they work fine.

Do this in a well ventilated room or outside this way the dust does not settle all over the inside furniture or worse you or someone inhaling it.

Do NOT turn the cans upside down turn the system. Remove the battery and blow that out as well.

NOTE: You take the chance of wrecking the bearings of fans with the compressed air. Compressed air can actually accelerate the fans beyond their rated speeds and damage them, if you are cleaning them out with air, it is often recommended to hold the blades in place with a toothpick or other non-conducive material.

NOTE: Do not use a vacuum to clear the dust they can cause a static discharge and end up toasting the system or a components. There are also jumper on the boards that could be sucked off and then the system would be bricked.

Clean the keyboard.

Put the with the laptop facing down then gently rub your hand back and forth over the keys this will knock some of the larger pieces out. Then place the system on its side and blow the keys (remember to use short burst like before) starting from the to working you way down. Heat form portable computers is released through the keyboard.
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