How to prepare your laptop when you sell it?

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PCHF Member
Aug 8, 2017
Hi you guys.... I am wondering how to prepare my HP ProBook 4530s to sell it.

I am concerned about...
1. Passwords
2. ISP passwords and info
3. My internet set up etc...

Obviously, I should have a system loaded up to show it it functional and working.

I am running Windows 10 Pro and I do have a working Windows DVD (start up disc). Should I wipe everything off of the computer and install a fresh copy of Windows 10? My problem with this is in the set up procedure, they ask you for a lot of the information I mentioned above that I do not want the future buyer to know.

Also, can you tell me a ball park figure $US Dollars of how much to ask for my...

• HP ProBook 4530s 15" monitor
• Charger
• 4 extra batteries
• Case Logic carrying case.... it is 5 years old and working just fine and looks new. Note: One of the battery latches is broken though.

Let me know what you think!

If you format the hard drive before you reinstall Windows it should keep most people from seeing anything. There is plenty of drive wiping software out there for free, but it just depends on how paranoid you want to be?

To reinstall Windows
No passwords are necessary AT ALL
Depending on your ISP no passwords may be required, but if it was simply delete it before selling, or even change it after selling the machine.
When you sell the PC just remove/delete your internet connection etc
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After looking a YouTube.... It sounds like you need to "Remove Everything"..... Install a fresh version of Windows 10 from a bootable Start Up Disc and when the set up starts asking questions, you power the laptop down and let the buyers fill in all their needed fields. Do you concur?
A fresh install is always preferred, and when you reformat the drive as previously recommended, you don't have a choice anyway.
Again.... I am running Windows 10 Pro and I do have a working Windows DVD (start up disc). Should I wipe everything off of the computer and install a fresh copy of Windows 10?

My problem with this is in the set up procedure, they ask you for a lot of the information I mentioned above that I do not want the future buyer to know. This is why they said to clear the drive and reinstall W 10 and then shut down the computer so when the NEW buyer takes it home, they have to reconfigure THEIR settings for them...... Is this correct?
If you are concerned about your keyboard layout and location, and install preferences etc then can I say you are worrying for nought. No personal information or data is needed to install Windows, therefore no personal information can be extracted from it unless you later enter personal data at some later time.

Just install Windows and let the new owner configure it to suit later.

To answer your question again, It is always better to do fresh install of Windows. Use your Windows install disc to format and reinstall (fresh copy) Windows
Gus.... I just reciently did the Clean Install of Windows 10 and it asked for my ISP information, e-mail address and their password , My passwor to log on at start up, and other personal information to complete the set up. This is my concern.
Suggest you bypass ISP info or input false info if you intend selling the pc. Windows 10 DOES NOT require a log on password to be set during install, nor do you need any sort of Microsoft account. To bypass the password setting dialogue simply press enter with a blank password box. During install you are offered the opportunity to make a password which is purely optional. Should you however wish to enter a password, make up one that you can pass onto the new owner.
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