Solved How can i boost my laptop

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PCHF Member
Apr 6, 2021
Hi im SooB i updated the drivers of amd i run defraggler i update the windows but stiil having some slow issues
g'day Soob and welcome to the Forums.

was the laptop working faster before the updates?
where is it slow: starting programs, web browsing, playing games?
what is the laptop's make and model?
I play games on it its a little old but i wonder how i can bost it a little bit.
Could you give the model number of your acer laptop or the SNID number.
You have 2 Ram sockets and only using 1.
With the SNID number we can get better specification details and see how much extra ram it can take.
Also replacing the HDD drive with an SSD should help.
You are playing games on a computer that is about 6-7 years old so will never be super fast.

You are running java. Dp you know if you need java.
if not you can remove it via control panel. If you do need it then leave it.

Acer SNID numbers are 11 or 12 digits and do not contain letters. Acer serial numbers are 22 alpha-numeric characters, and will always use zero and never the letter O.
They are on a sticker on the bottom of the laptop
Thanks i will give you the SNID number when i get home btw i get like 40 fps in games i usualy play minecraft and samp minecraft runs at about 100+fps or kinda
Could you give the model number of your acer laptop or the SNID number.
You have 2 Ram sockets and only using 1.
With the SNID number we can get better specification details and see how much extra ram it can take.
Also replacing the HDD drive with an SSD should help.
You are playing games on a computer that is about 6-7 years old so will never be super fast.

You are running java. Dp you know if you need java.
if not you can remove it via control panel. If you do need it then leave it.

Acer SNID numbers are 11 or 12 digits and do not contain letters. Acer serial numbers are 22 alpha-numeric characters, and will always use zero and never the letter O.
They are on a sticker on the bottom of the laptop
Thanks everyone for informing me and helping me i will start to work and to hopeful get the money for the ram and the ssd
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