Solved home network help

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PCHF Member
Jun 8, 2019
hi im trying to share my files (videos etc) on my devices around the house ,like playstation and my tvs.
everything was working fine until i had a change around in my bed room.
i moved my pc to another room and am now using a wireless connection instead of wired to connect to my router.
is there a way to still run the network wirelessly or do i need to go back to a wired connection ?
Welcome to PCHF jacko71,

Cant help with anything specifically Playstation related but may be able to help with the Networking.

We will need information on all of your computer hardware and wireless router + we could do with knowing what the problem actually is as you do not say in your OP.

NB: Are you aware that wireless routers vary in how many devices that they can connect to and any screens need to have wireless capability etc.
hi phill
my problem is i cannot see my network on any of my devices since i changed to wireless. everything was fine until i moved my pc to another room.
intel pentium cpu g620 2.60ghz
my wireless router is from virgin media
Hi jacko,

intel pentium cpu g620 2.60ghz
Not enough info about your hardware really but by going off your CPU info it would appear that the computer is a desktop, for you to be able to connect to any wireless router the motherboard needs to have built in wireless capabilities as stock or alternatively a wireless USB dongle like the example here can be used.

Built in wireless is not common on many brand name computers as it is an added expense that would make any desktop less attractive to potential purchasers, do you know for sure that your computers motherboard has built in wireless, if unsure, post the exact model name or number of the Acer and we can do some research.

Regarding your other hardware, as per my reply #2;

NB: Are you aware that wireless routers vary in how many devices that they can connect to and any screens need to have wireless capability etc.
yes phill my pc is a desktop
it has wireless built in.that is how i am now connected to the network.
i have 3 lg tvs all with wireless capabilities.
and 2 ps4 machines one running wireless and one connected with ethernet cable.
all my devices see the wireless network and can can connect to the internet no problem.
i just cant stream my files from my pc to these devices anymore .
ive just rebooted my pc and its working fine now
sorry for wasting your time i feel a right plonker :X3:
No worries jacko, we are just happy to hear that the issue is resolved :)

I was just about to post back to ask if media streaming was turned on, perhaps it wasn`t and you rebooting has restarted it, who knows but thanks for letting us know that assistance was no longer required (y)

Final nag from me :whistle: please create a new system restore point for your now stable settings.
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