High dwm.exe usage

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Hi, right now after I ran windows update(I had paused it about 2 weeks ago), it is around 600mb which is normal I think, not sure. the high usage happens not at the start of the laptop, but after few hours.

I haven't seen anything regarding dwm.exe high usage in win 11 in internet. so I haven't tried anything.

I will screenshot once I see its high usage again.
That screen is showing you the highest/total amount of RAM it has used so far.
Rapidly move your mouse around and you'll see the CPU go up, and maybe the Memory amount of dwm.exe as well.

The real figure is in the Processes tab of Task Manager.
Scroll down to the Windows Processes section and look at how much dwm.exe is currently using.
It will be less than 0.5% but move your mouse all over the screen and it'll bounce up to 3% or so as that is DWM's job - it handles all things graphical.
also, speccy says 2047 mb graphics card, but it should be 6gb graphics. is there something wrong here?

EDIT: seems like this issue is common in speccy.
It will be less than 0.5% but move your mouse all over the screen and it'll bounce up to 3% or so as that is DWM's job - it handles all things graphical.
Hi, it is around 2% and when I move mouse around, it can get to 6% or so.
Speccy simply uses the systems WMI which interrogates all the hardware's details that is stored in the respective firmware.
Manufactures commonly fail to update the Description field in their firmware.
Speccy gives a great overall snapshot but is only as good as the data it retrieves.
It also hasn't been updated in years! The latest June 2022 update was only to provide better license delivery in the future.
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