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PCHF Member
Nov 26, 2019
I need a new PC (Currently running Vista) but I'm too cheep to replace my monitor. I'm not tech savvy enough to know if my HP w2408 monitor will be compatible with the newer PC's.
Also, I'd like to take advantage of the pre-Christmas sales if possible. What would you recommend? We don't game and don't really need anything super fast.
Thanks in advance!
that monitor will be just fine.
it only has analogue (d-sub, vga) and digital (dvi) ports so your PC needs to have those for it to connect.
those two ports are still very common, at least one of those ports can still be found on almost all PC's.

since you don't game and just use it for the basic stuff like Word, research, printing, that sort of stock standard stuff, I would suggest your minimum specs would be;
  • Intel Core i3
  • 8GB memory
  • 256GB solid state drive
  • 2TB hard drive

anything else will be better but budget driven.
that monitor will be just fine.
it only has analogue (d-sub, vga) and digital (dvi) ports so your PC needs to have those for it to connect.
those two ports are still very common, at least one of those ports can still be found on almost all PC's.

since you don't game and just use it for the basic stuff like Word, research, printing, that sort of stock standard stuff, I would suggest your minimum specs would be;
  • Intel Core i3
  • 8GB memory
  • 256GB solid state drive
  • 2TB hard drive

anything else will be better but budget driven.
Excellent. Thank you.
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