Solved Help with connecting a Gigabyte Radeon RX 580.

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PCHF Member
Jan 31, 2019
I got a new Gigabyte Radeon RX580 and it's an 8 pin connection. I have a Thermaltake TR2 600W that comes with a 6 pin and a 6+2 pin. So the problem comes that when I try plugging in the 6+2 pin the 6 pin plug won't connect all the way, like something is blocking it.
The other 6 pin plug connects perfectly though.
Any ideas?
I'm thinking of using the 2 pin plug with the other 6 pin instead of the one it's paired with. I tried this connection physically (that is, PC off, unplugged and energy cleared) and it plugs in just fine. Both 6 pins should be identical since they're just parallels and I checked this with a voltage meter and it checks out.
Would it be safe to do this?

Can you post some pic's of the vid card and your psu 6+2 cable?
It appears that your molex cable plug is bigger than the vid card port.. Is this correct?
No. The hook is a bit on the larger side but the plug itself is identical to the other 6 pin plug which connects with no issue.
To specify, it goes in but it doesn't go in all the way. It feels like something blocks it when it has like 3 millimeters left.
Some of these 6+2 pins that the 2 pin has a slot to fit in on the 6 pin,are you using that?
Yeah. I'm putting them together before trying. I also tried putting in just the 6 pin and nothing. I tried putting the 2 pin with the other individual 6 pin and they connect just fine.
Can you properly key together the two pin and the six pin connections, upload a picture of this for us when done please.

I would not suggest trying the 2 pin with the other 6 pin pcie connector, there is no telling what may happen.
I don't understand you guys. I already narrowed it way beforehand to the problem being on the 6 pin, not anything related to the 2 pin. They can be put together with no issue. The issue is internal on the 6 pin. I took my old GTX 650 which is only 6 pin and tried the problematic 6 pin and had the same issue. It has nothing to do with the 2 pin or how they connect together. I'm not retarded. I know how to put a 6+2 together and connect it and I know how to narrow down the issue.
No I won't post a picture of me putting the 6+2 together because I had already checked the connections of both 6 pins to confirm they're identical. They are. I was 90% sure putting the independent 6 pin with the 2 pin would work. I wanted to be 100% sure. I asked people other than you (thank ***) and I got there. I did it. The PC did not post but the GPU was working just fine. Guess what, without you I could narrow the problem to my BIOS version. Without you I could boot my PC with the integrated, get the required BIOS update without you and then installed it successfully cause I'm not a moron. Everything is working fine now thank you very much.
So much time wasted here over a problem I narrowed down from the beginning that I ended up solving myself. How hard was it to understand that the problem was in the 6 pin itself? Not the GPU, not in the way it was put together with the 2 pin, but on the *** damned 6 pin itself.
You can mark this as solved. By myself. Without the help of anyone here.
The problem was and I guess still is a damaged 6 pin. I solved it by using the other 6 pin. Done.
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