Help with BSOD

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I have a windows 8 acer switch 11 laptop that just went into blue screen of death. Specs:

I've experienced problems with it for years, where it'll sometimes just shut down on its own, and on few occasions get the blue screen of death. The usual way I fix this is by inserting a paperclip into the reset hole on the side of my laptop.

However this time it's different. My laptop shut down, and opened with this: (I found the image on google, it's the same)
then with this: (another image I found on google, it's almost the same but on my laptop says 'press windows key to try again' instead of 'press enter to try again... press f8 for startup settings'

Doing the paperclip method will just close my laptop, and when I open it by pressing the power button on the side, it starts off as normal with the loading screen then follows through with the previous 2 images I pasted. Holding my power button closes my laptop, and when I re-open same things happen.

Any way I can fix this problem on my own?


I tried doing some stuff on my own, and now there's an even bigger problem. I decided to press f2 while re-opening my laptop, and it sent me to some place called 3.7 setup utility. I exited it, but before that clicked on something.

Anyways now when my laptop opens I get this screen:

Pressing any key gives me this: (same screen from before, but this text appears underneath the 'no bootable device when I press a key)

Pressing enter takes me to a screen that says:

3.7 SetupUtility Boot Option Menu (up arrow) and (down arrow) to change option, ENTER to select an option

But the only thing I can do on that page is press esc which takes me here: (every time I press a key an extra line appears)

After that I can just re-start my laptop and the same stuff happens all over again.
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The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE bug check has a value of 0x0000007B. This bug check indicates that the Microsoft Windows operating system has lost access to the system partition during startup.

Make sure Windows OS installed hard drive connected correctly.

Make sure Windows OS installed hard drive first boot device from within BIOS Setup Utility.

Please boot your computer with Windows Setup Media and from Windows Recovery Environment start the Command Prompt.

Please type below commands into Command Prompt and press Enter key.

Following commands will repair Master Boot Record (MBR), Boot Sector and BCD Store.

Bootrec /FixMbr

Bootrec  /FixBoot

Bootrec  /RebuildBcd

Please boot your computer with Windows Setup Media and from Windows Recovery Environment start the Command Prompt.

Please type below command into Command Prompt and press Enter key.

Following command will fixes errors on the disk and locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.

Chkdsk D: /r

Please replace partition letter D: with Windows installed partition letter. When computer boots into Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) environment the drive letter assign to Windows partition may not be C: drive letter because Windows 7, 8 , 8.1 and 10 creates a separate system partition when it's installed from scratch. The system partition contains boot files WinRE assigns the system partition the C: drive letter and the Windows installed partition will be assign any other drive letter usually D: drive letter is assign to Windows installed partition. The Bcdedit /enum | find "osdevice" command can be use to find out the drive letter of the Windows installed partition the output of the Bcdedit command is similar to this osdevice partition=D:. The drive letter after partition= is the drive letter of the Windows partition.

Please boot your computer with Windows Setup Media and from Windows Recovery Environment start the Command Prompt.

Please type below command into Command Prompt and press Enter key.

The following command scans integrity of all protected Windows system files and repairs files with problems when possible.

Sfc  /Scannow   /OFFBOOTDIR=D:\   /OFFWINDIR=D:\Windows

Please replace partition letter D: with Windows installed partition letter. When computer boots into Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) environment the drive letter assign to Windows partition may not be C: drive letter because Windows 7, 8 , 8.1 and 10 creates a separate system partition when it's installed from scratch. The system partition contains boot files WinRE assigns the system partition the C: drive letter and the Windows installed partition will be assign any other drive letter usually D: drive letter is assign to Windows installed partition. The Bcdedit /enum | find "osdevice" command can be use to find out the drive letter of the Windows installed partition the output of the Bcdedit command is similar to this osdevice partition=D:. The drive letter after partition= is the drive letter of the Windows partition.
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