Solved Help needed!!! Almost finished 1st pc build.

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PCHF Member
Jan 8, 2022
Long story short I’m almost finished building my pc but I ran into some psu problems. I have the newer version Corsair rm850x psu, Corsair 5000d airflow case, i7 12700k and a msi z690 motherboard.
The issue is when I connected the 2 8pin cpu and 24pin motherboard cable the heat shrink was to thick and stiff to bend or fit properly. I was also afraid it was going to damage the board so I removed them. The 24pin heat shrink is so thick that it nearly ripped off the rubber slot and lifts up the optional 3 fan slot cover that is on the inside of the case . My plan is to just buy some new cables from Amazon but the cable mods rmx cables only come with 1x 8pin cpu and 1x 4+4pin cpu cable. It’s probably a stupid question but can I use the 4+4pin for the other 8 pin or do I even need to hook up 2 8pin for my cpu? Some say the 4+4 pin is for older motherboards others say you can stack the 4+4 pin to make the second 8pin and others say you need only 1 8pin if your not over clocking ?
I don’t need help with this issue anymore and figured it out. I learned that all of the cpu cables that came with my newer version Corsair rm850x are 4+4pin that you can attach together to make the correct 8pin . So I should be fine with the Rmx cable mods kit that includes 1x 8pin and 1x 4+4pin cpu cables. Now I’m having a fan issue but I have already contacted Corsair and I’m sure I’ll figure it out.
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