help me get started please!!

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PCHF Member
Sep 9, 2020
hi i am very new to pc gaming and have no idea where to start or what to do. i really am just looking for something to handle games like minecraft, sims, and other steam games. i would also like to stream! i just don’t know if i should get a prebuilt pc or try building my own. i don’t need anything too powerful you know? and i don’t have a whole lot of money to spend on one. please help!!!!
So other can assist
What is your budget?
What systems have you looked at?
Have you looked at the computer requirements that the games you want to play require?
just throwing it out there, but have you considered a gaming console - PlayStation or XBox for example.
their benefit is any future game will still work and you won't be forced to get new power supplys or graphic cards down the track when bigger better games are released.
and they can stream all the major online service providers like NetFlix, Stan, YouTube, Prime etc.
but of course, PC's can do that and more - horses for courses.
So other can assist
What is your budget?
What systems have you looked at?
Have you looked at the computer requirements that the games you want to play require?
my budget probably no more than like $500. i know thsts not a lot but i’ve seen some pcs that were way cheaper and like i said i’m not looking for anything too intense you know? i’ve been looking at a bunch of different systems but i just don’t know how to pick which one is right for me. i’ve looked at the requirements but again i’m pretty new and don’t really know much about everything. i’m sorry if this isn’t much help :(
Look at the specs of the games that you want to play.
Look at the specs of the computer.
Does the computer meet the specs of the game and or are they better?
If not move on to the next system
Would use the game that requires the most system as a base line using the Recommended Requirements
$500 - is that AUS or US or something else?
either way, it's not much, would actually be classed as absolute bare minimum for basic games at low level settings at best.
2nd hand may get you higher specs at affordable prices but a new rig at those prices will simply indicate the level of parts used - that is, low.

as Rusty said, look at your games you have in mind, pick the one with the highest demands and make sure your rig AT LEAST matches or exceeds those. you also have to future-proof yourself somewhat for games you'll be buying in 6 months or 2 years time.
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