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PCHF Member
Jul 26, 2019
Hello Everyone,
I am in need of help.
My pc starts up, I get the led light on my mother board but nothing displays. On top of that I hear a buzzing noise. Its not a wire hitting a fan or anything like that. Pls help.

Case: FBM-01
CPU: i5 3470s
Motherboard: ASUS P8H61
Graphics Card: Zotac Geoforce gtx 760
Power: EVGA 500w B
RAM: 4bgs DDR3
obviously it shouldn't buzz.
so identifying that part is the next step as stated by vger.
get a soft bristle brush to stop each fan to see if they are the culprit.
don't forget the PSU and graphics card fans.
if the buzzing still occurs after stopping each fan, you have a failing component, and on that age motherboard, I guess that shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
it stopped on its own accord or after you pushed the brush into one of the fans?
did you identify where it was coming from - if a dying/dead part that would be the issue, but as to what, who can say.
tell us what you have tried - removing RAM and graphics card, wiping the contacts and the mobo slot and reinstalling?, trying one RAM chip at a time if more than one?, general removal of dust?, using a different monitor?, a different cable?, a different video port on both the card and the monitor?
it stopped on its own accord or after you pushed the brush into one of the fans?
did you identify where it was coming from - if a dying/dead part that would be the issue, but as to what, who can say.
tell us what you have tried - removing RAM and graphics card, wiping the contacts and the mobo slot and reinstalling?, trying one RAM chip at a time if more than one?, general removal of dust?, using a different monitor?, a different cable?, a different video port on both the card and the monitor?

Their was a peace of paper inside the cpu fan so I took it off. That’s what caused the buzzing. & I’ve put my graphics card into a working pc, tried my friends working psu, my friends and my own monitor that work 100%, reset the bios, jumper, and that’s about it. I don’t have any other motherboard that can test my cpu.
Maybe it’s my ram???
was this a new build or was the paper always in the CPU fan?
just wondering how that happened, not something I've ever heard of before!

sounds like your monitior and graphics card work OK in the other PC, which still leaves your mobo, RAM a PSU as likely suspects.
is your PC and your friends the same RAM?
and you put his PSU into your PC?

what's the back story here - age of PC?, recent hardware or software changes?, why was there paper inside your PC?
was this a new build or was the paper always in the CPU fan?
just wondering how that happened, not something I've ever heard of before!

sounds like your monitior and graphics card work OK in the other PC, which still leaves your mobo, RAM a PSU as likely suspects.
is your PC and your friends the same RAM?
and you put his PSU into your PC?

what's the back story here - age of PC?, recent hardware or software changes?, why was there paper inside your PC?
I’m not sure how it got their but it looked like the paper that the thermal paste came in. Maybe i dropped it and never noticed. My mistake.

Yeah I changed my psu from mine and he gave me his so now it fully turns on and stays on. When I had my psu plugged in it would turn on for a second and shut off right away so that’s one problem fixed.

We both have the same ram which I am going to check if that fixes things. & if not it would be my cpu or mobo.

So what could be wrong if that’s the case??
unless you had a power surge, CPU's almost never die naturally. not that I've ever come across or heard of.
whereas, mobo's are right up there after RAM ann hard drives.

so it looks like replacing the PSU did the trick, get a new one yourself and the PC stays on.
are you saying there is still no signal on the monitor?
unless you had a power surge, CPU's almost never die naturally. not that I've ever come across or heard of.
whereas, mobo's are right up there after RAM ann hard drives.

so it looks like replacing the PSU did the trick, get a new one yourself and the PC stays on.
are you saying there is still no signal on the monitor?
Yes still no display. Tried working psu, tried 2 working monitors, tried ram, and graphics card works.
Still no display
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