Having trouble with starting my pc

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PCHF Member
Mar 9, 2020
Had no trouble with my first one, so of course it had to be the second one :)

If i turn on the power switch, the MoBo lights turn on, so it seems like the power supply works and electricity flows. But if I turn on the power button nothing happens. No sounds, no fans spinning.

I tried:

- unplugging 20+4 pin MoBo connector and 8 pin CPU connector and replugging them
- try to remove the pw switch connector in the jfp1 panel and starting it with a screwdriver
-removing RAM

Are there some other things I should look after? I'd appreciate if you'd mention easy to do things first, so that I don't have to screw off everything if the problem is pretty simple.

To be honest I COULD have damaged my CPU pins while mounting the stock cooler, but shouldnt the fans still work even if the CPU was broken?

Edit: http://prntscr.com/rac7f8 component list, working with stock amd ryzen cooler instead of the water cooler and the B450 is ryzen 3000 desktop ready

I got some loose cabel hanging around but I am pretty sure they aren't essential to powering the PC.

Edit 2: If you want any pictures just ask for them, I'll upload them on imgur.

Welcome to PCHF yesbutno,

Was the MB still dead when you tried doing the jump start with the screw driver.

If bent pins have shorted out the MB nothing connected to the board will work.
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