Harddrive disappearing

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PCHF Member
Nov 12, 2019
Hello, (sorry for bad English)
so recently I found my old ps4 hard drive with 2 TB of space. I have now switched it out with my old hard drive in my pc. Now it just keeps disappearing.
Sometimes it's there and then later it disappears.


  • 4.2 KB Views: 10
I missed the era of games consoles having inbuilt drive, stayed with my trusted PS2.
but from what I remember, PS's are formatted funny.
if you don't care what's on the drive, why not format it and see if that helps.
a Quick Format should do the trick because if it needs a low level format, a 2TB drive will literally take days.
of course, being flogged constantly while it was in the PS4, it may simply be at its end of life.
I missed the era of games consoles having inbuilt drive, stayed with my trusted PS2.
but from what I remember, PS's are formatted funny.
if you don't care what's on the drive, why not format it and see if that helps.
a Quick Format should do the trick because if it needs a low level format, a 2TB drive will literally take days.
of course, being flogged constantly while it was in the PS4, it may simply be at its end of life.

I have already formatted it.
I don’t really know if I have done it right, I just saw a YouTube video.
so you went into File Explorer, right clicked on that PS4 drive, and clicked Format... then ticked Quick Format and change the File System to NTFS ?

another way, go to Control Panel, Admin Tools, Computer Management, Disk Management, right click the drive under the Volume column and choose Format. You may want to remove all partitions first, by going down into the graphical area and right clicking each partition and choosing Delete Volume.
Any update for us? This thread will be closed if not replied to within 48hrs.
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