GPU help

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PCHF Member
Sep 16, 2017
Edit I've edited this post so it is a lot more clear and precise. Whilst trying to keep the original content.


I'm in need of help. I play a game called final fantasy xiv. Now I have no issue with this game on my computer, however my partner would like to start playing it on PC with me, here is where the problem lies. My partner will no doubt get bored of pc gaming and leave the computer to gather dust.So I don't want to spend anymore more money than I have to.

I do have a computer for my partner, it's not exactly brilliant, but everything should run fine, except, I dont have a graphics card and the PSU doesn't have any PCIE leads (I think that's what they're called). So I'm looking for a card that uses on board power and would do well powering FFXIV.
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Welcome to PCHF ShiverZ,

The psu doesn't have any pcie leads (I think that's what they're called) So I'm looking for a card that uses on board power and would do well powering ffxiv.

Sorry but I am a little confused by your OP, do you mean the PSU on a computer that your partner has.
Welcome to PCHF ShiverZ,
Thank you.

Sorry but I am a little confused by your OP, do you mean the PSU on a computer that your partner has.

My apologies, I wrote this hastily whilst on my phone.

Yes, the PSU on my partners computer has no PCIE leads, so I can't have anything which requires power from the PSU directly, I'll need a half decent graphics card, which takes all the power from the motherboard itself. Normally, I'd just replace the PSU and solve the problem that way, which would open up alot of possibilities for me. However as stated, my gf will probably drop this computer after she's had her fill, and I would have wasted money, which, lets face it, nobody wants to do.

I mean I've had a look and everybody is using 1/2GB GPUs, but I know that grabbing any 2gb GPU may not mean it will run the game smoothly.
No worries (y)

Yes, the PSU on my partners computer has no PCIE leads,
Hmm, not seen a PSU without even a single PCI-E dongle for years which suggests that this could be a rather old computer, if that is the case an appropriate GPU may not be all that is required, check the recommended specs for Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn here even the minimum recommended cards require a separate power dongle from the PSU.

You are welcome btw :)
No worries (y)

Hmm, not seen a PSU without even a single PCI-E dongle for years which suggests that this could be a rather old computer, if that is the case an appropriate GPU may not be all that is required, check the recommended specs for Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn here even the minimum recommended cards require a separate power dongle from the PSU.

You are welcome btw :)

I'm presuming they're called PCIE, the little 6 pin, and 4 pin leads?

I mean I have a molex to PCIE adapter, which I could use, but I'm not entirely sure on safety, hence why I haven't explored that avenue yet. Could this be a way around it?
See PCI-E info here

I mean I have a molex to PCIE adapter, which I could use, but I'm not entirely sure on safety, hence why I haven't explored that avenue yet. Could this be a way around it?
Toss it in the trash, any PSU that does not have an appropriate power dongle for an add on video card is junk and using any kind of adaptor could lead to fireworks and all of the hardware down the pan.

Post some hardware information for us, brand and model name of the PSU and MB etc, if an OEM name such as Dell or HP post the brand and model name or number for us.
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