Google Frustrations

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PCHF Member
PCHF Donator
Jan 21, 2017
Does PC support extend to tablets and Android ?

My Google Pixel C tablet is driving me insane at the moment. I suspect literally. There is some executable that comes with it (it's not even clear half the time what causes an issue, I don't find Android half as clear as Windows; and that's saying something) that insists on beeping regularly when it's been put down to sleep (and I'm trying to do the same) and if it is yelled it, starts to tell me audibly that it can't help with, "shut the hell up and go away". It has no right to be listening to me and certainly no right to be making noises when sleeping.

It may be a red herring but it seems to get triggered after I've finished using earphones with it.

I've previously turned off everything and anything I found that might be part of whatever is causing it, to no success.

The only upside is that this morning I discovered that if one holds in the sleep button then a menu comes up allowing one to switch the tablet off altogether, not that, that should be necessary.

All instructions on getting rid of it that I've found on the Net refer to menu options I can't find, and don't really believe exists. How does one install this thing, whatever it is, such that it never torments and frustrates me ever again ? I can't really afford to put the damned tablet under the sledge hammer. Arrhh !

I found a YouTube video that supports a connection between plugging and unplugging earphones and kicking off the spying listening speaking nonsense. But it was blaming 3 contact plugs whereas mine already has 4 connections. I'm beginning to suspect an almighty design 'mess up' that isn't getting sufficient publicity.
Not fully awake as yet-I'm on holidays..-was the issue manifesting itself before?
If not, as a last option you may recover your device to factory default settings and get rid off it.
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Once. A previous time, again after I had used earphones. Not as bad that time though. That time I don't recall the continuous regular beeping indicating that it's up to something and stopping me going to sleep. Previously it just came out with statements regarding it couldn't help about something I'd said out loud, when it wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping on me at all. Unsure I'd want to go back to factory settings and have to go find and change all the Google dodgy defaults.
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Another thing, maybe unrelated. Just had, for the second time, confirmation of a download I've not asked for. And when I look at it I find it's a webpage I was looking at and which I have no interest in having a download of !!! Why would it do anything so ridiculous ?
Sorry, I have all sources other than googleplay unable to download anything so I've never run into that problem.

I also went to update my calculator and it wanted permission to access my pictures. I didn't think that was needed so I refused to update it.

Check the permissions - if you see something that you don't think that app needs permission for, don't install and don't update things that came on the device and can't be removed.
Thanks but on both occasions it was the webpage the default browser (Chrome) was looking at. Just weird.
Nothing to update. Was hoping for further suggestions.

Not had issue since, but not used earphones since. Convinced it's a related design fault. Someone "thinking" it was a good idea for plugging in and out earphones to be interpreted as a data search request, even though it's clearly never going to be, especially when that irritation has all been turned off. I did find other reports of similar problems on other forums.
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So it doesn't look like any more suggestions are coming forth,shall we close your thread?
May as well I suppose. Would've been nice to find a definitive answer/fix, as it's only because I'm not using the earphones that I'm not being tormented by the bugged design, but I suspect the issue may not be one that can be worked around.

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