Solved Games lagging, Freezing and crashing because microsoft storage space device

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PCHF Member
Jul 1, 2022
Hey, so i got this problem i've spent a whole day to figure out, kinda figured it out but then it went back to before when i turned my pc off.

Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 49 °C
Pinnacle Ridge 12nm Technology
16,0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1066MHz (15-15-15-36)
27G1G4 (1920x1080@144Hz)
LEN LT2323pwAÝ (1920x1080@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (MSI) 60 °C
disc 0 223GB PNY CS900 240GB SSD (SATA (SSD)) 33 °C
disc 2 476GB addlink M.2 PCIE G3x4 NVMe (Unknown (SSD))
disc 3 930GB Microsoft Storage Space Device (SATA (SSD)) 33 °C

The problem: I play this game called tarkov, its a fps game that requires decent specs to run good, although i meet those requirements i still stutter, freeze and crash. When i'am playing the game its tells me on the task manager that my HDD is at 100% which ofc looks to be the problem, the HDD is called microsoft storage space, and while in-game i've looked at what might be causing this problem which was there was some game files on the HDD, i then removed the game from the whole pc, and with succes i didn't have any problem for the next 3 hours until i went to bed and to turn off my pc, then next day (today) when i went to load up the game i began stuttering, freezing and crashing with the same problem which is my disc 3 being at 100% and overworking even though i don't have the game installed so it doesn't make sense, is there a possible way to fix this without needing to delete and reinstall my game every day?
Open your device manager find the HDD listed and check for hardware changes.
At a quick glance over your specs, a 144hz monitor + a 60hz can cause quite a number of hitches, try the monitors individually and see if that makes a difference.

In the meantime,

Let's get some more information:

Please download and run speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

  1. In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  2. In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  3. Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot dialog box. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
At a quick glance over your specs, a 144hz monitor + a 60hz can cause quite a number of hitches, try the monitors individually and see if that makes a difference.

In the meantime,

Let's get some more information:

Please download and run speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.
Hey, so yeah currently not home, i will be home in 3 days approximately, but the specs i typed in was Ctrl c from speccy, and I've tried using the monitors as a single which didn't solve the problem, using only 1 monitor helped me a bit with the ram but that isn't the big issue
Just a heads up, you don't need to hit reply, it muddies up the threads and makes it more likely we will miss something.

I'd stick with monitors of the same refresh rate personally, less to go wrong, but if you want to use both that's why it's called a personal computer. :D

Let's mark this as pending since you can't do any troubleshooting right now, once you get back you can go through and update us on the requested information/suggestions. @veeg
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