Hi there!
A little background in my situation. I built my PC a few years back. And all is working correctly, or so I thought.
A couple years ago, I downloaded Sea of Thieves. I played about 60+ hours in the game back then. Then, one day, it just refused to launch. I was worried something was wrong and tried everything to find an answer. I got onto the forums for the game directly and found people with the same issue and getting the same response. ( This is the response they send you: https://support.seaofthieves.com/ar...PN is present,causing conflicts with the game.) of which I read through, and to the best of my limited knowledge tried each solution to no avail.
As of this taken my so long, I gave up as it was only one game. No harm done, plenty more to play. But know a couple weeks ago now. Another game, fortnite, stopped playing on my PC for my nephew. And now I am so unsure if there is any issue, if there is how to find what it is or could be and what I should do!
I'm just wondering if anyone has some suggestions. Of somewhere I could look? Sorry for the long winded message with not much details but I'm not really sure what someone may need but please feel free to ask and I will update.
P.s. I have a friend that built a clone of my PC ( got all the same hardware) and everything is running fine for him.
A little background in my situation. I built my PC a few years back. And all is working correctly, or so I thought.
A couple years ago, I downloaded Sea of Thieves. I played about 60+ hours in the game back then. Then, one day, it just refused to launch. I was worried something was wrong and tried everything to find an answer. I got onto the forums for the game directly and found people with the same issue and getting the same response. ( This is the response they send you: https://support.seaofthieves.com/ar...PN is present,causing conflicts with the game.) of which I read through, and to the best of my limited knowledge tried each solution to no avail.
As of this taken my so long, I gave up as it was only one game. No harm done, plenty more to play. But know a couple weeks ago now. Another game, fortnite, stopped playing on my PC for my nephew. And now I am so unsure if there is any issue, if there is how to find what it is or could be and what I should do!
I'm just wondering if anyone has some suggestions. Of somewhere I could look? Sorry for the long winded message with not much details but I'm not really sure what someone may need but please feel free to ask and I will update.
P.s. I have a friend that built a clone of my PC ( got all the same hardware) and everything is running fine for him.