Games crashing over the last year

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PCHF Member
Dec 16, 2024
Games crashing all of the time

For the past year and a half or so, every game I have played so far has crashed or consistently crashes. I only get this while playing games. In every game, It freezes for a few seconds, and then goes to desktop, sometimes with an error message explaining the crash but most of the time it doesn't. I was able to get Halo Infinite running well for a while without crashing but I changed 3 settings recently and it started crashing. I changed the 3 settings back and still crashed. The crashes slowly got better and I haven't crashed again for a while now. However, other games still crash pretty frequently. Sometimes I can go a whole day or 2 or 3 without crashing, and sometime it will crash every 30 minutes to an hour or so. The games run fine aside from the crashing. I was thinking about getting a new GPU but honestly I am happy with the 1080ti performance aside from the crashing.

I have spent way too many hours online looking for fixes and am getting extremely overwhelmed because there are way too many videos and non-experts claiming to know what they are talking about because one particular thing fixed their issue 2 years ago. I'm hoping someone could walk me through some diagnostics tests I could do to help figure out what the problems is. I'm paying way too much for a PC to game, just to be crashing all the time.

Here is my parts list: [](

I did a windows memory diagnostics test and no error detected

Heaven benchmark 4.0 results: directx11 1920x1080

* FPS: 278.6
* Score: 7019
* quality: high
* tessellation: disabled


* Most of the time all I have running along side the game is discord on my other monitor.
* games that have crashed: Halo Infinite, Delta Force, Marvel Rivals, Baldur's Gate 3, Monster Hunter World, Civ 6.
* I have 1 intake fan on the front of PC at the bottom, and on in the back behind the CPU cooler and that's it,
* Delta Force crash said "faulty application path"
* When playing marvel rivels, my GPU usually sits at about 84-85 degrees.

Thanks in advance!