Solved Game Audio Keeps Cutting out!

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PCHF Member
Jun 6, 2019
So I play on my pc around 3-4 hrs a night, but only a few games. CSGO, Rocket leauge, GTAV, dead by daylight, thats about it.
About a week ago, I started experiencing some problems with the audio in rocket league, the audio would cut out randomly and last muted for a bout 1-3 seconds, and then it would go back to normal for another couple seconds. While the audio in rocket league was cutting out, the audio of spotify, discord and basically everything else that wasnt the game was working perfectly fine.
So it was just the game that was cutting out. I noticed the same problem with dead by daylight, and even in gtav the audio would cut out but in gtav the game would drop frames to 0 and make it unplayable.
However!! in CSGO this does not happen at all, The audio doesnt cut out at all. I believe it has to do with the CPU, as everything the audio would cut off in rocket league i noticed a CPU Usage spike in Task Manager.
So the audio would cut out 3 times in a matter of seconds, and in the task manager you would see 3 spikes consecutively too. Im new to this whole pc building this and this is my first pc ive ever built. I don't know whats causing the problem and am considering getting new Cpu.
Please help!!!

PC Specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (with default cpu fan)
GTX 1060 6gb
16gb RAM Corsair something
B450-F Gaming motherboard

Have had this pc since November of 2018, its a little dusty haven't opened it and cleaned it since I got it working, don't know if this may be a factor.
Welcome to PCHF theGrinch,

Can you post the brand and model name or number of the PSU and what version of Windows you are running, 7, 8.1 or 10.
Not a PSU that I would recommend for such a high end GPU but not likely to be the cause of the issue.

Have had this pc since November of 2018, its a little dusty haven't opened it and cleaned it since I got it working, don't know if this may be a factor

Not sure how dusty it is but I cannot see it being that bad in only six months, that said dust is bad and should be kept in check as it causes static and overheating, unlikely to be the case here though as it would happen to all audio content.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

If you need to save the results as a txt file can you please edit out your Windows product key before uploading the information here.
Nothing wrong with your present components including the PSU which was only mentioned because of the Bronze efficiency rating, any new build that I do that has a mid to high end GPU will always be powered by a quality brand minimum of a Gold efficiency rated PSU.

Nothing jumping out at us in your Speccy report but there are a couple of things worth mentioning, Windows is shown to have been installed on 6/5/2019, was this a clean install or a cumulative update from a previous version.

If a clean install, were the drivers for the MB reinstalled and starting with the chipset drivers first.

There are no Windows 10 updates shown to be installed which means that Windows is out of date, this puts you at risk of malware attack and many updates are released to address known issues.

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Computer type: Desktop
Installation Date: 6/5/2019 4:04:28 AM

You have high memory use for a computer that is not under any load, check the Memory tab in Task Manager to see if anything is shown to be hogging the RAM.

Physical Memory
Memory Usage: 44 %
Total Physical: 16 GB
Available Physical: 8.87 GB
Total Virtual: 19 GB
Available Virtual: 8.10 GB

Speccy does not always report the correct temps and voltages and especially if the MB has its own monitoring software present, something that ASUS MBs usually do have, the temps and voltages reported in Speccy are minimal so I suggest that we check them another way at some point, we can provide the info for this after your next update which I would like you to provide after fully updating Windows, restoring the MBs default factory settings in the BIOS, checking the Memory tab in Task Manager and finally re running Speccy and posting the updated url for us.

CPU CORE: 1.232 V
VIN2: 2.016 V
VIN3: 1.995 V
VIN7: 1.657 V

About a week ago, I started experiencing some problems with the audio in rocket league, the audio would cut out randomly and last muted for a bout 1-3 seconds, and then it would go back to normal for another couple seconds. While the audio in rocket league was cutting out, the audio of spotify, discord and basically everything else that wasnt the game was working perfectly fine.
So it was just the game that was cutting out. I noticed the same problem with dead by daylight, and even in gtav the audio would cut out but in gtav the game would drop frames to 0 and make it unplayable.

Steam seems to be the common denominator imo.
I cleaned installed Windows 10, trying to fix the audio issue, but this didn't help. And I haven't installed any driver updates as of today. How would I factory reset my MBs ? Im fairly new to all of this. The memory usage issue was caused by Microsoft edge for some reason. Must of been because I hadn't turned off my PC in a day or two.
Apologies for the delay getting back to you,work has kept me busy elsewhere

Once Windows has been installed, you install the necessary drivers for the MB and other hardware and then leave well alone, download the MB drivers from here

As previously mentioned install the chipset drivers first, once the drivers have been installed, get Windows fully up to date, test, re run Speccy and post the new url for us.
Yes sorry, been busy with work. The only thing I did was update Windows 10 to its latest update and then after a bit I realized the audio issue was solved. Yesterday I installed GTAV to see if the frame drop issue would be solved, to my surprise it was. So im guessing it was just the Windows update that was causing an issue. In another note tho, would there be any other suggestion for my build that I could do as an upgrade? Like a change in CPU/PSU or GPU? Thanks for all your help btw!
As per my reply #6 there is nothing wrong with your present hardware and tbh you would be better off waiting until you are ready to do a complete new build further down the line and using only the latest range of MB, CPU etc, your present hardware is fine for what you use it for.
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