Frequent crashing in games, Some blue screens, some just applications crashing.

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PCHF Member
Sep 21, 2022
Hi there.

I am making this post in regards to my computer that I have recently built crashing in games, as well as at times random blue screens (3-5 times a week).

It is very peculiar. I have noticed that before the crashes they have been at very high power usage, however I am currently using the following components.

1200w PSU EVGA
5600x stock cooler (can put in a 212 hyper evo that I have laying around, havent gotten around to it).
Rtx 3090
Aorus x570 pro
Windows 10
16gb ddr4 3200mhz xPG ram (2x 8gb)

Ive tried stress tests on the gpu for 20 minutes each, with no crashes, but games generally within 10 minutes to an hour crash. Really randomly.
I have been running all of these games at max settings with raytracing on, and there is no difference between the games. All frequently crash.

Games I have been playing

Forza Horizon 5
Call of duty: Warzone
The Forest
Minecraft (bedrock with raytracing).
Any help appreciated!

Im using ethernet, however Im not sure if that would affect anything haha.
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Let's get some more information:

Download and run speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

  1. In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  2. In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  3. Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot dialog box. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Let's get some more information:

Download and run speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.
Whenever I try to publish the snapshot, I receive the error that "The server name or address could not be resolved."
I have never heard of that error before. 🤔

@Bruce might know why that's happening.
Heres a screenshot. Is there anyway I can upload the raw speccy file?


  • image_2022-09-21_220948764.png
    64.3 KB · Views: 5
I just tried it and it worked for me, so all I can suggest is start again.

uninstall it and get Speccy from here;

in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into a post.

One component Speccy doesn’t cover is the Power Supply Unit, so please also include the make/model of the PSU.
I just tried it and it worked for me, so all I can suggest is start again.

uninstall it and get Speccy from here;

in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into a post.

One component Speccy doesn’t cover is the Power Supply Unit, so please also include the make/model of the PSU.

Here we go. Had to use a vpn for whatever reason. Also unplugged my ethernet so maybe that was it?

Here is the powersupply. Didnt realize it was 1000w and not 1200.

EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 G+, 80 Plus Gold 1000W, Fully Modular, FDB Fan, 10 Year Warranty, Includes Power ON Self Tester, Power Supply 120-GP-1000-X1

Physical Memory

Memory Usage:
82 %

You don't have much free memory, this is a bad thing for Ryzen CPUs in particular.

You have a 144hz monitor, and a 60hz, try unplugging the 60hz and playing only with the 144.

Your power plan should be changed from ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE to Balanced (see #2 below on how to do that)

This is my laundry list, it's a good starting point for troubleshooting and should get you an idea what's going on:

1. Try running the following programs, also try to keep at least 20-25% of your disks as free space.

Run Disk Cleanup (check all the boxes) this will delete things such as your recycling bin, so make sure you don't have any files you want to keep.

Run Defragment and Optimize Drives, run this on your drives.

2. Disable any overclocking or changes to power/performance settings

Turn off XMP/any overclocking you may have done (if any)

Settings > System > Power and sleep > Additional power settings
Make sure your power plan is set to balanced, anything else could tamper with the wrong settings and cause issues.

3. Check for Operating System Corruption

Right click on the Windows logo in the bottom left and select Windows Powershell (Admin)
Run these three commands separately:

sfc /scannow

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

These will take a while to run, do not close out of Powershell while they are running, if one fails then move onto the next and then loop back around.

Note: It doesn't hurt to make a system backup before you make all these changes, save any important files of folders. While these changes shouldn't cause any issues, better to be safe than sorry.

4. Unplug unnecessary devices.

If you have a gamepad, extra monitor, external hard drive/flash drive, or anything that is not essential to using the computer plugged in, unplug it.

Once you have completed all of these tasks, restart it (using the restart option in the power menu) and re-test.
Still crashing. I believe it to be an issue with the graphics card, as this only started happening after I swapped it out.

Originally had a gtx 1060 6gb, alongside a 650w PSU, and was working fine with the 5600x and 16gb of ram.
Also already uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, as well as did a clean reinstall of windows.
Not sure what else I could do other than maybe contact the store I purchased the 3090 from and ask for a replacement, or a refund? Have like 6 more days before the 14 day mark where I cant return the GPU or PSU.
Did you reinstall your drivers when changing cards?

If so, I'd ask for a new GPU, it's worth a shot.

You can always try swapping the old one in w/ new drivers, if that fixes it I'd say it's the GPU.
Did you reinstall your drivers when changing cards?

If so, I'd ask for a new GPU, it's worth a shot.

You can always try swapping the old one in w/ new drivers, if that fixes it I'd say it's the GPU.
Found a fix. I disabled the process "Tablet PC Input Service/Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service" through services.msc. Hopefully wont mess up much with my pc until the 4090 comes out hahah. Gonna just refund the graphics card when I get the chance, then go for the 4090 seeing the performance difference. Thanks for the help.
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thanks for the update.
let's leave this open for a couple more days in case you need to update us further!
Came back after a day so I decided to look more into maybe hardware. Noticed that one of the 2 8 pins that are connected to the gpu werent plugged in fully to the PSU, so it was running off of 1 8 pin connector. Hopefully didnt mess up the card LOL.
IIRC, I don't think being underpowered would cause damage so much as simply causing system errors. @phillpower2 will probably be able to tell you for sure though. :)
The card should be fine as being underpowered is normally harmless other than instability such as games/programs closing etc.
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