Solved Flex pre-build, is this any good?

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PCHF Member
Mar 21, 2021
My pc gave up, so need to buy a new one. I wonder what the thoughts are on this one?
Is the price worth it? It comes at €2.340.

Sharkoon Elite Shark CA200G, glass.
Intel i9 - 10850k 10x3.60GHz
MSI Mag Z490 Tomahawk, s. 1200
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 8GB
32GB DDR4 3000 | Corsair Vengeance / 1tb Toshiba SATA lll
700W 80 plus Bronze | Be Quiet
Windows 10 Home.
700W 80 plus Bronze | Be Quiet

You need a better PSU, be quiet are a decent brand but you need a minimum of a Gold efficiency rated PSU that has a minimum of seven but preferably a ten year warranty, Corsair, EVGA or Seasonic are the proven brands for high end builds.

As to if your parts are worth it, not to me as you are paying over the odds atm due to Covid with almost 50% of your outlay going on the GPU :(
You need a better PSU, be quiet are a decent brand but you need a minimum of a Gold efficiency rated PSU that has a minimum of seven but preferably a ten year warranty, Corsair, EVGA or Seasonic are the proven brands for high end builds.

As to if your parts are worth it, not to me as you are paying over the odds atm due to Covid with almost 50% of your outlay going on the GPU :(
Alright, thank you. Will change the PSU. As for the price, that's what I feared, but who knows when and if the prices go down. I'm more interested to know if this will turn out a decent pc, and then I'll know what to search for and see options to have the price drop. Right now I'm without a pc which is not the most pleasant situation. Thank you again.
Have you looked at any pre built gaming rigs, you can often save enough money by purchasing one of them and then upgrading one or two things.

Couple of other pointers for you.

If you want performance you should have an SSD for the boot drive.

Do you really need 32GB of RAM, only flight sims tend to need 16GB so if only for gaming choose a MB that has four memory slots, start out with 2Xs8GB sticks of RAM and add another matching two sticks further down the line if you need to.

You are welcome btw :)
Yes, I have.. But to be honest, I think I have also taken some bad advice down the line when trying to determine which work and what doesn't. That's why I've chosen a flexible pre-build that I can adjust. It comes with 500GB | Crucial MX500. The preset is with 32GB RAM, I can down scale to 16GB. I can see this MB has 4 slots, but more of it I don't understand
Building your own normally works best but not at this time due to the sky high prices of GPUs, we had a similar problem years back with HDDs, that was caused by flooding in Thailand of all places.

Anything else we can help you with.
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