File and Program transfer

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PCHF Member
Mar 31, 2022
So I've seen suggestions on how to transfer all your programs and data from one pc to another by copying them to external drives and then again to the new pc. Hmmm, why can't you just skip the external drive and just copy it all to the new pc?
Programs are super complex and have lots of pieces and permissions scattered all around your computer's file system, attempting to copy over the entire program is usually more trouble than it's worth, most people opt to transfer data alone (In terms of gaming, this would be save files, if it's music you might take the studio files instead of the app itself). This is of course a decision you have to make for yourself.

As far as transferring from PC to PC, here are a couple options:
  • Create a system image and deploy it to the new computer
  • Copy files over on an as needed basis
  • Create a local file share on your network
  • Copying the files to an external drive and copying them over to the new machine

I believe the last option what people usually opt for/suggest because it is so simple, plugging in a USB is a lot easier to explain to everyone as opposed to creating a network share, or creating an image level backup.

It boils down to what people are most comfortable with and what is the most accessible to all, is there something in particular you don't like/would change? Someone here might be able to help point you in a direction more suited to your needs.
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@rdpar - if you could copy programs from one PC to another, we'd never have to buy a program ever again. :)

Software (except for a very few rare cases) has to be installed.
as Pyro says - personal data can be copied.
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