Please if anyone can help please do! Recently I was forced to use my sons pc to do my gaming b/c mine took a poop. Any who I use steam to game and I also play WoW (world of warcraft) With either client I use they both are deathly slow. This computer is only a year old so and was a pre built for gaming. My son has always complained about its downloading speed though I didn't really get first hand experience until I had to update the games I wanted to play. We have gig internet speeds and I tried WIFI and Ethernet connections on his computer. WIFI was only giving me about 200mbps and Ethernet gave me almost the full gig. BUT regardless of what I was using the speeds were that of a snail! It literally took from 1 pm to 2 am to update one game on steam. I looked into some help sections to see if I could fix the issue but nothing. I am thinking its a hardware issue but I have no idea what would be throttling the download so bad!