Extreme CPU usage and temperatures.

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PCHF Member
Jul 15, 2020
I currently have the Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop, upgraded my SSD to a 1 TB Samsung 970. It has a Intel i5 @2.3ghz and a NVIDIA 1050 4GB.

My issue is that whenever I use the High Performance battery plan while gaming or doing whatever, the CPU usage shoots up to over 100% and the temperature averages on 95 degrees. While gaming this makes my FPS randomly drop to 0 for a few seconds and this happens a few times every 10 minutes.

I have pretty much tried everything, getting the entire laptop cleaned, new cooling paste, updated all drivers, BIOS etc. I just don't get why I have this issue all of a sudden, the laptop is nearly 2 years old and I have been getting this issue only for the past 6 months.

Who can help me out?

When the laptop CPU goes up to 100% what process is shown to be using all the CPU usage? Can you post a screenshot of Task Manager of the processes tab so I can see what is running in the background? Thanks.

What version of Windows 10 do you have installed? Are you using Windows 10 version 2004?

When the laptop CPU goes up to 100% what process is shown to be using all the CPU usage? Can you post a screenshot of Task Manager of the processes tab so I can see what is running in the background? Thanks.

What version of Windows 10 do you have installed? Are you using Windows 10 version 2004?

So I made a couple of screenshots for you, one being on the high performance mode and the other on balanced;

High performance:

And this is on the balanced mode:

This is my Windows version:
Yeah I can see there are definitely some issues with temperatures on the CPU when its set to high performance.

Try performing a clean boot in Windows and set the power plan to high performance and see if there is any change in your CPU's temperature when playing a game. Also ensure you are NOT overclocking any components on the laptop and set the BIOS back to default values as well.
Yeah I can see there are definitely some issues with temperatures on the CPU when its set to high performance.

Try performing a clean boot in Windows and set the power plan to high performance and see if there is any change in your CPU's temperature when playing a game. Also ensure you are NOT overclocking any components on the laptop and set the BIOS back to default values as well.
Thanks for your reply!

Did all of the above and sadly no changes.

I did however managed to change something, on the high performance power plan advanced settings I changed the Minimum and Maximum processor state to 99% while plugged in on battery. This drasticly changed the high temperature but sadly gives the same effect as the Balanced power mode; good temperatures but lower fps.
Are you overclocking any components? Have you tried setting the BIOS to their default values?

Have you tried closing all other open applications and running just the video game and see if that makes any difference in the stability of the system?

Does this happen with every video games that you play when setting the power plan to high performance?
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