EUDC.TTE file overwriting and Private Character Editor

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PCHF Member
Aug 30, 2016

I installed new Windows and imported private characters created by Private Character Editor.
They're correctly displayed all - but when I open Private Character Editor their places in Unicode table are clear.
It can cause linking by Registry Editor only, but if there is change not, it cannot be linked.

So, I tried to overwrite EUDC.TTE in Windows\Fonts folder - it's set as default TTE file.
But copying is denied with message:

The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.
0 file(s) copied

I tried to find user-mapped section process, but no success.
I mean this process can cause editing problem in Private Character Editor - there's denied to save any character changes - it is possible in Safe Mode only.

I think - overwritting file can be possible in Safe Mode - I'll test it.
But how to get private characters back to Unicode table?
And I mean copy problem removing allows edit characters also in normal mode...

Any idea or solution?
Thank you for all.
Of course.
Private Character Editor is possible to use for saving characters only in safe mode - it's long time known bug and nobody fixed it.
Font linking is possible in normal mode.

I tried to create new characters on Virtual Machine and they were added, but old set of character is in Eudcedit not visible - but works too - it needs only old private characters not overwrite - if are overwriten then is character changed.
I'm trying to find any software/batch to copy whole set to its place, e.g. copy $E000-$E180 to $E200-$E380... but not found yet - if anyone knows anything about, please let me know.
Transport private characters from/to other computer/Windows works like is written above.
New is that now is not required go to safe mode to edit characters, but new characters and imported characters are invisible, visible are only in Charmap.
I'm still searching for utility to copy block of unicode characters from one area to other, nothing new.
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