ethernet downloads slow

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PCHF Member
Feb 1, 2024
In recent months my home desktop computer has become very slow at certain websites, but not others. In particular with more complex picture-heavy websites the pictures take a long time to download. This has become very frustrating.

My desktop is a 2020 Dell XPS 8940 with Windows 10 Pro. I have wired ethernet connection to my xfinity modem and my download speeds are about 700mbps on I don’t think the problem is with the xfinity modem because on my laptop (Surface Studio with Window 11 and wifi connection to the same modem) the same websites load instantly. So the problem must be within my desktop computer (software or hardware). I have updated the BIOS and chipset and Nvidia graphics and other drivers from Dell, so all is up to date. I have wiped all the cookies, caches, images, history from my Chrome browser and that did not help. The website delays occur whether I use Chrome or Edge, so the problem is not with the browser anyways. I temporarily disabled my Symantec Endpoint Protection and that did not help either. I have reset the Ethernet adapter and that did not help. I booted in safe mode with networking and the website loading was much much worse in safe mode.

One thing that helps: I disabled the Killer E2600 ethernet controller and instead turned on the Killer WiFi adapter, and with WiFi the websites download nice and fast. So for some reason the Ethernet is downloading pictures much slower than the WiFi. Both signals come from the same Xfinity modem. I upgraded my Killer E2600 driver to the latest (10.65.421.2023) and I have disabled all the Killer gamers perks including prioritization engine and auto bandwidth, as I am not a gamer. This made no difference.

Need help please! Why do pictures download slow with my ethernet connection, but not with the Wifi connection? Is the problem with the ethernet adaptor, or the Xfinity modem? How can I find the exact source and fix it? Any info would be helpful.

Make sure and run this via Ethernet

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop.
Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
When the program opens check mark Select All Then hit GO
Please post the log in your next reply. Attach or copy and paste, whatever is easier for you.
. I booted in safe mode with networking and the website loading was much much worse in safe mode.

Try with a new ethernet cord. Also, switch etyhernet ports on the router.
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