Last week I built my new PC and I got it running fine. However when I first built it I had a problem where the connection kept dropping. After running the PC for a while it stabilises then in about 3-4 hours starts dropping again. It gets really annoying when I'm trying to game on it or download something.
I use a device that gets the Ethernet connection from the Router downstairs, sends the signal through the mains and is recieved by the other device. I considered this may be a source of the problem but it doesn't cause any problems on my PS4.
Here is my build if it helps in any way:
Thanks in Advance,
I use a device that gets the Ethernet connection from the Router downstairs, sends the signal through the mains and is recieved by the other device. I considered this may be a source of the problem but it doesn't cause any problems on my PS4.
Here is my build if it helps in any way:
Thanks in Advance,