I had recently built my very own PC a few months ago. At the time I had built it, I had decided not to test my RAM for any defects, against my better judgement. Everything was fine for a month or so. However, one month in, my computer began randomly stopping programs, crashing, and even giving me the blue screen of death. All the errors pointed to a faulty RAM, and when I finally went around to doing a memory diagnostic test, several errors were found.
Naturally, I went ahead and got myself a replacement pair of RAM. This time, I made sure to run the memory diagnostic test before doing anything else. Fortunately, the results came clean. However, I was still having some minor problems with programs running properly. I decided maybe a fresh reset on my PC would allow things to work properly again.
Unfortunately, when I attempted to do a reset, Windows said that it was unable to reset my computer and that no changes were made. I decided to see if I could maybe re-install Windows with the USB that I had purchased. Whenever I tried going about that method, the installation goes up to about 20% only to stop and give me the 0x80070570 code. I've tried using different USB ports, but still no luck. Sometimes, my PC doesn't even recognize the USB.
At this point, I don't know if there's something still wrong with my PC, or if the USB somehow became faulty. Before I replaced my RAM, I had no issues with resetting my PC or re-installing Windows (I did it a handful of times with the faulty RAM just to see if maybe that would help). But now, suddenly, with a new pair of RAM which are supposedly free of defect, I'm unable to even install Windows 10 now.
Sadly, now my PC is just a glorified paperweight because in the process of attempting to re-install Windows, I deleted the current OS on the hard drive, so it's completely unfunctional now. So, again, I'm at a loss. I just don't know if there's an issue with my Windows USB, or if there's a bigger issue with my PC that I don't know about.
I had recently built my very own PC a few months ago. At the time I had built it, I had decided not to test my RAM for any defects, against my better judgement. Everything was fine for a month or so. However, one month in, my computer began randomly stopping programs, crashing, and even giving me the blue screen of death. All the errors pointed to a faulty RAM, and when I finally went around to doing a memory diagnostic test, several errors were found.
Naturally, I went ahead and got myself a replacement pair of RAM. This time, I made sure to run the memory diagnostic test before doing anything else. Fortunately, the results came clean. However, I was still having some minor problems with programs running properly. I decided maybe a fresh reset on my PC would allow things to work properly again.
Unfortunately, when I attempted to do a reset, Windows said that it was unable to reset my computer and that no changes were made. I decided to see if I could maybe re-install Windows with the USB that I had purchased. Whenever I tried going about that method, the installation goes up to about 20% only to stop and give me the 0x80070570 code. I've tried using different USB ports, but still no luck. Sometimes, my PC doesn't even recognize the USB.
At this point, I don't know if there's something still wrong with my PC, or if the USB somehow became faulty. Before I replaced my RAM, I had no issues with resetting my PC or re-installing Windows (I did it a handful of times with the faulty RAM just to see if maybe that would help). But now, suddenly, with a new pair of RAM which are supposedly free of defect, I'm unable to even install Windows 10 now.
Sadly, now my PC is just a glorified paperweight because in the process of attempting to re-install Windows, I deleted the current OS on the hard drive, so it's completely unfunctional now. So, again, I'm at a loss. I just don't know if there's an issue with my Windows USB, or if there's a bigger issue with my PC that I don't know about.