Solved DVI to HDMI or DVI to Displayport, does it make any difference?

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PCHF Member
May 7, 2020
I just bought a new gaming computer with a GTX 1660 with three outputs: one HDMI, one Displayport and one DVI. I am wanting to run a triple monitor setup and the Benq monitors I bought have three inputs: one HDMI, one Displayport and one VGA.

I will need either a DVI to HDMI cable, or DVI to Displayport cable to hook up the third monitor. (Obviously VGA is out of the question.)

Will it make any difference which one I use? I am only going to be using 1080p resolution for all three units.
If I am reading your OP correctly you need a cable like the one here the drawback that you have I`m afraid is that there is no audio available when using the VGA port.
If I am reading your OP correctly you need a cable like the one here the drawback that you have I`m afraid is that there is no audio available when using the VGA port.

Hi Phill, you've read incorrectly. I am looking to connect from DVI out of my PC and into my third monitor which gives me the option of HDMI, Displayport and VGA. Obviously VGA is no good quality wise as it is an old analog signal so I am just asking if there is any difference if I use to a DVI to HDMI cable or DVI to Displayport cable.
That was easier to follow :)

DVI to DP all day if you are gaming, still no audio from the DVI port though.
That was easier to follow :)

DVI to DP all day if you are gaming, still no audio from the DVI port though.

Thanks Phill, the audio isnt an issue. My monitors are pretty standard at 1080p 60hz so in theory there shouldn't be any difference between using a DVI to Displayport cable or DVI to HDMI, no?
DVI to DP would be better than HDMI because DP is newer technology, just like HDMI 2.0 will be better than HDMI 1.4 because 2.0 has a wider bandwidth.
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