Solved Doom (2016) Vulkan crash

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PCHF Member
May 2, 2020
Hello, I have a problen with Doom (2016) I cannot resolve with any of the possible solutions found searching aroung. I can run the game with OpenGL but having an amd gpu (r7 370 4gb vram) and a low-end system I can barely reach 50fps om the absolute lowest settings and it is annoying. Now, I know using Vulkan would boost my fps just enough to reach 60 but if I try and change the API from OpenGL to Vulkan the game just crashes. I can only open the game by manually changing the API back to OpenGL in the game files. I have the lastest AMD drivers installed
Hello Pinolo,

If you only have a low end system you should stick with OpenGL, Vulkan is only intended for high end builds and not entry level, if you had a decent quad core CPU, 8GB of RAM running in dual channel and a decent PSU it would be worth you while trying Vulkan but a waste of time if you do not have such specs.
Hello Pinolo,

If you only have a low end system you should stick with OpenGL, Vulkan is only intended for high end builds and not entry level, if you had a decent quad core CPU, 8GB of RAM running in dual channel and a decent PSU it would be worth you while trying Vulkan but a waste of time if you do not have such specs.
Hello. First of all thank you for your response. Though I don't have neither high specs nor a quad-core cpu, I do have 8 gbs of ram, 4 of vram and a 4 thread cpu (if my full specs are worth mentioning, they are an i3-6100 and amd r7 370 4gb). I've also seen some youtube videos and read around that vulkan could sometimes improve fps and since I'm very very near to stable6 60 I wouldn't mind trying. Do you know anything I could try to get it work?
The CPU though is only dual core when you really need a quad.

Is the RAM two 4GB sticks, if yes, what speed is it, 1866 or 2133MHz.

What is the brand and model name or number of the PSU.

It depends on what the answers to the above are as to whether or not Vulkan drivers are worth trying to install.
The CPU though is only dual core when you really need a quad.

Is the RAM two 4GB sticks, if yes, what speed is it, 1866 or 2133MHz.

What is the brand and model name or number of the PSU.

It depends on what the answers to the above are as to whether or not Vulkan drivers are worth trying to install.
I've got two sticks of 4gb ram at 2133mhz.
My psu is a Thermaltake Hamburg 530w (model name W0392RE).
However, I'd like to say I've played through the newest Doom Eternal, which I don't know if it is more or less demanding than 2016, however I do know it is based on Vulkan and I could run it at stable 60 the whole time. I don't know if it is of any use but I thought I could say that as well.
Thank for your time
RAM is all good.

having an amd gpu (r7 370 4gb vram) and a low-end system
My psu is a Thermaltake Hamburg 530w (model name W0392RE).
The Vulkan drivers are most likely not your problem but the extra performance that the drivers provide could be too much for the PSU to handle.

Your GPU requires a 500W PSU that can produce 33 amps on the +12V rail, even when out of the box new eleven years ago your PSU could only produce 456W, you can confirm this for yourself here

Regardless of what you are attempting to do with Vulkan drivers you need a new PSU, the present one is killing your GPU.

Can I ask that you do not quote every reply as I have to read the full post to make sure nothing gets missed,, thanks
Sorry about the quotes

What do you mean killing? Like bottlenecking or going to break it? I'm sorry but I had never evaluated this particular aspect of a PSU

In any case, you do think it is not even worth trying to install the drivers even though I had no problems at all playing Doom Eternal based on Vulkan?
Check the PSU requirements of any of the cards here and you will see that they all require a minimum of a 500W PSU, even the 2GB versions.

The weak PSU is killing/breaking your GPU slowly but surely by depriving it of the stable power that it needs, it will at some point fail completely.

No need for me to think about anything tbh, you have been provided with facts that prove you PSU is not good enough and it being anywhere up to eleven years old I am surprised that it is even still working.
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