Display cable issues

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Tim O'shea

PCHF Member
Apr 18, 2022
Hey guys really hoping someone here can help me I need a new display Cable to replace the dvi to hdmi that I'm currently having to use so I can improve resolution, I have multiple display port ports spare on my pc but the other end would need to be hdmi to the 4k TV, my problem is I can't find a display port to hdmi that's long enough as it needs to be at least 5.5 metres, other than this https://www.amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasi...a90-36a2764bc48e&pd_rd_w=iKxXz&pd_rd_wg=5uI1Q
But the resolution is 1080p at max the I don't understand why that would be the max but does anyone know of one or even is it possible to use a long hdmi and then just get a hdmi to display port adapter or will this degrade performance?
Sorry for all the questions and Thankyou in advance for any advice you can give
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You might find one better suited to your needs on a site other than Amazon, otherwise their basics brand is probably passable.

I would stay away from adapters, less parts is generally better, if you can cut some junk out now, future you won't have to come back and revisit it.

Here is a similar cord, but it also tops out at 1080p:

You'd have better luck with a HDMI to HDMI cord or a DP to DP if that is an option without an adapter.
OK thankyou guys some good ideas there to try out, might have to swap the wires in the monitor and use it for the TV 🤔 I'll have to put a bit more thought into it I think Thankyou again 👌🏼👍🏼
I have just had another look and unfortunately there is only 1 hdmi on my pc which is taken by my oculus rift so unless I use a multi hdmi hub then can't fit another in but that is then another part to add like the adapter and didn't really wanna spend over 250 to connect it 🤔 ill have to keep looking, Thankyou
Edit : I have looked up the hdmi over net adapters a bit more and tho there are cheap ones that does Neen that there will be some delay as it is over net so would not be usable in this situation unfortunately
You could unplug your Occulus when you're not using it and take that HDMI port instead, then just swap it with your monitor when you want to use it.

What GPU do you have?

You could pick up a DP to HDMI adapter for your VR headset, but I would not recommend this if there are other choices, such as the ones listed above.
I have a gforce 980 ti and I had been doing that but wasn't very easy to get to so was hoping while upgrading the cable that I'd be able to utilise one of the many wasted dp slots but seems like 1080p or possible lag through the net adapter are my only options so far 🤔
That's a great idea about using the vr through and adapter though and from what I have just been readying seems like this should work and would then mean just buying a long hdmi so sounds like a plan I'm gonna give that a try thanks for all your help guys
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