Difficulty making eye to eye contact on video calls on large monitors?

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PCHF Member
Feb 5, 2023
My work involves one-to-one video calls all day. I want to stop using my 15" laptop screen and get a monitor 27" large or so, attaching a webcam to it, so that I can get a bigger image of the people I am talking to.

However, a friend told me that he never does video calls on a large monitor, because to others it always appears like he is looking away at a point, rather than making eye contact with them.

I have seen this happen with i-pads, where the camera is such that the person I am talking to looks like he is looking away, probably because of excessive distance between the camera and the screen. The person is actually looking at my face on the screen, but the camera ends up being at a diagonal angle to his face, creating an impression that he is looking away.

According to the friend, this happens on the monitor because the screen is big and the distance between the face of the person on the screen and your webcam is so much that it is never possible to keep eye to eye contact.

Does anyone know if this is true? I don't want to end up buying an expensive monitor and realise it is useless for my purposes. And if it is true, is there a fix to it or do video calls that need eye to eye contact have to be done on laptops?
easy fix....

what people do on any screen, and yes, the bigger the screen, the more this is exacerbated, is they look at the person they are talking to, usually straight into their eyes on the screen!

what they should be doing is looking into the camera, only then does the other party see them as looking at them and not at the screen.

or to cut to the chase, on an online video call, look into the webcam, not the eyes.
Hi, you know you can use your TV as an external monitor? When you connect a larger screen to a laptop and set "Extend" option under display settings. As long as both screen are set with the exact same resolution. Of course your face would look bigger on the external monitor simply because the external display is larger.. You can drag the chat app across to the larger screen. This would then allow you to see everyone you are talking to in the chat app on a larger ratio/scale.

You buying a large external monitor is not going to make the other person see you bigger or on a larger scale. The only reason you would look bigger or smaller to them, is your distance from a web cam and your settings such as zoom in and out.
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